Disciples Regional Staff to Travel to Central America

Disciples Regional Staff to Travel to Central America

Several Disciples regional staff and representatives will travel to Central America for the last in a series of Be a Global Mission Region Pilgrimages initiated by GM co-executive, David Vargas. These pilgrimages are designed to provide an opportunity for an immersion experience in which regions can discern how they may live out their commitment to Be a Global Mission Church. After gathering in Houston for a day of orientation and Ministries an Mission Interpreters training, the group will travel May 10-19 to Guatemala (10-14), Nicaragua (14-17) and El Salvador (17-19) to visit Global Ministries partners and missionaries. The trip participants are:

Teresa Dulyea-Parker – Illinois Wisconsin Region
Ruth Fletcher & Ron Greene – Montana Region
Jim Piper – Idaho South Region
Felix Ortiz – GM Area Executive for Latin America & the Caribbean
Bob Shebeck – GM Mission Interpretation Executive

Please pray for this journey and join the group by adding this blog address to your list of favorites and checking back each day: