B’Tselem – The pogroms deliver: Another Palestinian community was forcibly transferred yesterday

B’Tselem – The pogroms deliver: Another Palestinian community was forcibly transferred yesterday

Dozens more shepherding communities live under the threat of expulsion

Yesterday (Monday, 10 July 2023), the Bedouin shepherding community of al-Baq’ah was forcibly transferred from its seat east of Ramallah. In recent weeks, the community has suffered daily settler attacks originating from a nearby settler outpost, one of the seven new ones established after the Turmusaya pogrom on 21 June 2023. Last Friday, a home in the community was torched. The family was out at the time for fear of exactly such violence.  

The community has a total population of 33, including 21 minors. The residents who dismantled the community’s homes and animal enclosures yesterday told B’Tselem field researchers they had no choice but to leave as they were afraid for their lives and had no one to protect them. 

Click here to read the full release, with video and photos.