Child Sponsorship Annual Appeal

Child Sponsorship Annual Appeal

Dear Friends:

After the January 2010 devastating earthquake in Haiti, the Global Ministries Child Sponsorship Program worked closely with the child sponsorship partner staff at the National Spiritual Council of Churches of Haiti (CONASPEH), to search for the more than 130 sponsored children and to provide four months of advanced sponsorship support to each family in order to help, in some small way, with the overwhelming needs faced by the poorest of the poor in Haiti. 

CONASPEH has located most of the children sponsored by Global Ministries; however, we learned that many of the children, along with their families, have gone into the countryside and, unfortunately, cannot be located at this time.  We also were sad to learn that one sponsored child died and several parents were injured from the earthquake.

When I visited CONASPEH in June 2010, I encountered a ten-year old girl who was orphaned at the age of four and lives with her aunt.  She recently had entered first grade at a school at a CONASPEH member church.  She whispered something to Luc Moise, who was interviewing children who were candidates for child sponsorship and translating for me; Luc suddenly dropped his head and said to me, “She has never received a gift.”  I found a piece of candy in my purse and gave it to her; I was rewarded with a big smile.  I said to myself, “THIS is Child Sponsorship.”

The Global Ministries Child Sponsorship Program is in the life-changing business by giving hope and opening new opportunities for children in 15 locations around the world.  Sponsorship is an important gift to each of the 1,200 children sponsored worldwide.  We ask you to make a special gift towards the operation of the Child Sponsorship Program.  Your gift of $1,000, $500, $100, $50, or $25 will make a huge difference to help continue this important work and will allow us to continue allocating 100 percent of sponsorship amounts to support the sponsored child.


Linda Lawrence

Program Manager

Child Sponsorship Program

Click here to give a gift online to the Global Ministries Child Sponosorship Appeal

Click here to get instructions on how to make a gift by check. 

Click here for information on sponsoring a child.