CMEP Bulletin: Kerry in Region: Déjà Vu or Breakthrough?
weekly Churches for Middle East Peace bulletin
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry’s fifth visit to the region to convince the Israeli and Palestinian governments to restart talks is underway. These near monthly visits are beginning to feel like “déjà vu all over again” as the media hypes the Secretary’s visits and he departs with nothing concrete. But this persistence could pay dividends as each visit ratchets up the pressure for both sides to return to the table and avoid blame for any failure.
Ynet reports that on this trip, Kerry is “trying to pin down precisely what conditions President Mahmoud Abbas and Benjamin Netanyahu have for resuming talks and perhaps discuss confidence-building measures.” With the State Department only describing Friday’s meetings as “very productive” and “constructive,” click here for a review of where things stand, and to continue rewading this CMEP Bulletin.