Special projects

Special projects

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Global Ministries works with the Community of Disciples of Christ in Congo (CDCC) on a variety of projects throughout the Congo as an expression of our shared belief that all people and all of creation should share in God’s Abundant life. There are four projects that have been designated by the CDCC as priorities and your support of these is greatly appreciated.

 Education for Girls in the Equator Region

  • The Education for Girls in the Equator Region is a project that will benefit elementary and secondary schoolgirls. One of the main reasons for a lack of school educated girls in the Congo is the financial strain that it places on a family.
  • There are also many hidden costs associated with schooling, such as clothes, textbooks, and meals. These sorts of additional costs often result in the family debating whether to continue to send their daughter to school or face a depletion of their already scarce funds.
  • Despairingly, a lack of education is a contributing factor to sustained poverty, HIV/AIDS, prostitution, and other ills. The hope of this project is to build the capacity and empowerment of girls so that they may avoid these very possible fates.
  • Assistance from Global Ministries allows The Community of the Disciples of Christ in Congo (CDCC) to administer funds to the neediest areas and work to ensure a better future for the girls of the Congo.

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 Hospital Projects

  • Although the economic situation in the Congo continues to improve with new government, the progress is slow. Therefore, much of the infrastructure that is vital to the people has been left in ruins and is in a state of disrepair.
  • Hospitals in particular have been effected by the neglect of infrastructure. Doctors work in difficult conditions without electricity and obsolete (sometimes non-existent) equipment. There is also a lack of furnishings such as cabinets, chairs, tables, and beds with mattresses.
  • Support from Global Ministries has already helped to provide  medications and is assisting in the transport of hospital doctors so that they may serve more people.
  • With necessary support and proper resources from organizations like Global Ministries, the Hospital Project will be able to complete its goal of total renovation of the six area hospitals. Renovations would also include the adding of maternity facilities and the purchase of equipment that uses solar energy.

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 Water Projects

  • A key barrier to improving community health and development in the Congo is the scarcity of accessible clean water. Many Congolese make their living by hunting, farming, or fishing. Almost none of the population has access to drinkable water.
  • This project will aid in not only the digging of new wells, but assist in the capping of natural springs that already exist.
  • In August 2012, two wells were completed in the Mbandaka area. Where at one time people waited in a line that would stretch over 1/8 mile, the time it takes to get water since the completion of those wells has been cut down immensely.
  • The Water Projects hope to continue the growth of available potable water in the Congo. Already, there has been an influx of previously unsettled areas being inhabited by displaced families as a result of the presence of clean water. Global Ministries continues to work to see the flourishing of many more communities.

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 Ikengo Agricultural Center

  • Despite a peace agreement signed in 2002, the economy of the Congo has never rebounded. It is estimated that nearly 6 million people have died from famine, fighting, and disease. A large contributor to this number is the lack of usable land due to the destruction caused by the ongoing conflicts.
  • The Ikengo Agricultural Center was established by The Community of Disciples of Christ in Congo (CDCC) in order to make the best possible use of the available farmland.
  • The objectives of the Ikengo Agricultural Center are to nourish, sustain, and employ the Congolese people. As a result of the objectives, the Ikengo Center will be able to achieve greater impacts of supporting the nourishment and economic stability of the local people.
  • Global Ministries has been a supporter of the Center for many years and continues efforts to support this crucial work.

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