Congratulations to Rev. Dr. LaMarco Cable upon receiving his doctoral degree

Please join Global Ministries in congratulating Rev. Dr. LaMarco Cable, President of Disciples Overseas Ministries and Co-Executive of Global Ministries, on his recent doctoral degree. He graduated with a Doctor of Ministry (DMin) degree in Prophetic Ministry in the Public Square from McCormick Theological Seminary on Saturday May 18th, 2024 in Chicago, IL. His thesis focused on the transformative shift in mission, moving from a traditional focus on charity to a more dynamic and collaborative approach to partnership.
About his degree, Rev. Dr. Cable shares, “My doctoral degree will strengthen my leadership skills to lead DOM/Global Ministries and live out life-giving partnership principles. These principles, which I define as mutually beneficial and sustainable approaches to mission, are crucial in our current context. They guide us as we walk with congregations, regions, and conferences, navigating this vital aspect of missional engagement together. I hope it will also undergird our continuing engagement with the global church to fully decolonize the church and mission.”
In his research and work on his doctorate, Rev. Dr. Cable also had the opportunity to explore and reflect on the history of partnership missions. Rev. Dr. Cable notes, “The roots of partnership in missions run deep, woven into the rich tapestry of global mission history. The significance of partnership was first illuminated at a monumental mission gathering in Edinburgh, Scotland, in 1910 and further catalyzed at the 1928 Jerusalem mission conference. These pivotal moments in mission history inspired mission boards to embrace a more collaborative approach and develop a nuanced language to articulate partnership principles. The landscape is rapidly changing following the pandemic, and we must position ourselves to discern the faithful way forward to live in life-giving partnership principles. Today, we stand on the shoulders of those visionary leaders who championed the partnership model.”

Rev. Dr. Cable reports being honored and deeply privileged to graduate alongside two members of partner churches in the Africa region – Reverend Coutinho Moma, an ordained pastor from the Evangelical Congregational Church in Angola, and Mr. Stephen Apollo Warui, a Kenyan leader within the Presbyterian Church of East Africa. Rev. Moma, who has been serving the church for over two decades, received his Doctor of Ministry degree, a testament to his dedication and commitment. Mr. Waru, a respected leader in the Presbyterian Church, was conferred a Master of Divinity. He will continue to study in the US at Boston University, working on a PhD in World Christianity, a field he has been passionate about for many years. Reflecting on this beautiful, serendipitous moment, Rev. Dr. Cable shares, “Our graduation provided a unique opportunity to reflect on the shift in mission where the co-executive of Global Ministries matriculated through the same institution as members from partner churches.”
Please join Global Ministries in congratulating Rev. Dr. Cable, and those he walked alongside, in achieving this milestone!