Country Club Christian Church: Love Pays Attention

Country Club Christian Church: Love Pays Attention

Country Club Christian Church (CCCC) in Kansas City, Missouri pays attention to the Kei Region of the United Congregational Church of Southern Africa (UCCSA)! Why? Because “Love pays attention!” This was the theme of CCCC’s latest visit to South Africa.

Country Club Christian Church (CCCC) in Kansas City, Missouri pays attention to the Kei Region of the United Congregational Church of Southern Africa (UCCSA)! Why? Because “Love pays attention!” This was the theme of CCCC’s latest visit to South Africa.

Philippians 1: 9-11 (from The Message) reads as follows, “So this is my prayer: that your love will flourish and that you will not only love much but well. Learn to love appropriately. You will need to use your head and test your feelings so that your love is sincere and intelligent, not sentimental gush.”

Country Club Christian Church began a partnership with the Kei Region of the UCCSA and with Global Ministries’ missionaries, Jon and Dawn Barnes, who serve the Kei Region, in 2004. The church was seeking a long term relationship so that their church could be in true partnership with a church across the globe. Country Club is a large congregation and they were looking at ways to involve their whole membership in mission.

Country Club sent a mission team of twelve members in 2005 to the Eastern Cape of South Africa. While here, the team learned that doing a work project has its place, but that real mission began when they started building relationships with our South African brothers and sisters. This is what Global Ministries refers to as “ministry of critical presence.” For Global Ministries, partnerships should not be about what “we” can do for others, but should focus on relationships and dialogue, knowing that while we have much to contribute, we also have much to learn from our brothers and sisters in other cultures and contexts.

In light of this emphasis on relationships, last year Country Club Christian invited three South Africans to come to the United States to have a cross-cultural exchange. The three were involved in church services, visited HIV/AIDS projects in Kansas City, and even experienced a Major League baseball game! The South Africans were hosted in the homes of congregants.  Many times were set aside for meals and fellowship, which helped the larger congregation feel even more connected to their South Africa partners.  This is what partnerships are all about – both sides giving and exchanging.

This past March, another group from Country Club Christian visited South Africa and the Kei Region again. They were a group of thirteen, with about half of the participants coming to South Africa for the first time, and half having come on the previous trip.  Although some of the experiences were new, the group also revisited locations and people they met in 2005.  It was wonderful to see the hugs and embraces as relationships were renewed and partnerships deepened.

Country Club Christian and the Kei Region of the United Congregational Church of Southern Africa have formed a great partnership, one that is focused on relationships, mutual sharing and learning, and growing together as sisters and brothers in Christ.

Dawn and Jon Barnes

  Country Club Christian Church South Africa Trip Report
  Country Club Christian Church South Africa Trip Blog