ELCJHL: Join Us to Pray for Peace

ELCJHL: Join Us to Pray for Peace

Starting in December 2012, a number of religious organizations in the Holy Land decided to hold a prayer vigil on the 24th of every month for Palestinians and Israelis until violence ended and a just peace was announced to end the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

Join Us to Pray for Peace on September 24th, 2015.


After another summer of violence, we want to ask our our brothers and sisters around the globe to pray with us for a resolution to this conflict that will see a just peace with an end to violence. We are asking for you to sign up to our Thunderclap campaign to pray for peace in the Holy Land.

Thunderclap is the first crowd-speaking platform that helps people be heard by saying something together. With this platform, we are asking each of you to sign up for this campaign through social media. After signing up, a message will go out on September 24th, 2015 to you and your friends asking you to pray for peace in the Holy Land and providing you with worship resources to do so.

Our goal is to get 100 people to join us in praying for an end to violence in the Holy Land. Your support for this Thunderclap campaign will help this message be heard around the world.

Please help us to share about our brothers and sisters in the Holy Land with friends, family, and congregations.

Click on this link to join us through social media.

Worship resources for congregations that would like to take part are available at the ACT Palestine Forum, as well as on the ELCJHL’s website. We also encourage the use of the liturgy for the World Week for Peace in Palestine Israel (WWPPI) 2015.