Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem December 2011 newsletter
news from the Diocese
Dear Friends,
As we enter into a new year, full of the anticipation of God’s work in us, I pray for you and your families, that this year will be peace-filled and joyous.
At this time of Epiphany, we remember our Baptism into the faith of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. We also remember that we are baptized into a community; not only our family parishes but also the world wide family. This past year has seen trials and tribulations for many of our brothers and sisters but we look forward with hope that God’s love will prevail and peace will come.
The birth of the Prince of Peace inspires us with hope that we all may continue to build positive relationships with each other. Building on the foundation we share in our love of God and how God’s love is shown in the world by how we love our neighbor.
God continues to challenge our lives, to extend and expand our role as his disciples. And our faith always invites us to be open to what is possible even in the face of what looks impossible. Truly, we step forward into this New Year with courage and confidence.
I wish you all a Happy and Joyous Epiphany Season!
May God bless you and keep you safe in the knowledge of His everlasting love.
Peace, Salaam,
Bishop Suheil Dawani
Click here to read the full Diocesan newsletter, including the following stories:
- Ecumenical leaders visit Bishop Dawani
- News from al-Ahli Arab Hospital (Gaza)
- Meetings and delegation visits
- Christmas celebrations
- Heads of Churches of Jerusalem meet