February prayer of intercession

February prayer of intercession

Bruce Van Voorhis – Hong Kong

We offer up to you Lord, out loud or silently, those who are on our minds and in our hearts. (silence)

We also pray today, Lord, for the people of Nepal in this dark moment of their history after the past week’s dismissal of their government by the king and the declaration of a state of emergency. In these fragile and uncertain times, we pray for the protection of your people. We pray that Nepal’s king will steer the country with your wisdom. We pray for an end to the political maneuvering in Nepal and for the people of the kingdom to finally enjoy peace and experience the joy of your Kingdom.

We remember today too, Lord, the tsunami victims in the lands surrounding the Indian Ocean. We mourn with those who have lost family members, for those who are now single parents, for those who have become orphans. We pray for your comforting spirit to touch them, to guide them, to strengthen them in these difficult days. May our compassion for them never waiver, Lord, as they seek to rebuild their lives in the midst of their pain.

We continue to offer prayers for the people of Iraq. May their nightmare end soon, Lord. May so many years of violence, of hardships, be soon a part of their past and not the reality of their present lives.

We lastly ask for your blessing on our fellowship of Christians at Kowloon Union Church as we seek to be your servants in the world. May our motto “Where all are one” be more than just words but a living reality for all who gather here. Bless us with your spirit to be good stewards of your Creation and to be faithful witnesses of your love in our homes and in our community.

We offer this prayer in your Son’s name. Amen.

With Peace,
Bruce Van Voorhis

Bruce Van Voorhis serves as missionary with the Asian Human Rights Commission located in Hong Kong. He serves as a writer and editor with the Commission.