Mission Co-worker Visits and Relationships

Mission Co-worker Visits and Relationships

Mission Co-worker visits

Each Global Ministries mission co-worker serves with an international partner and then returns to serve in the US and Canada at the end of his/her term of service. During home assignment mission co-workers are scheduled for four months of interpretation in specific UCC Conferences and Disciples Regions. Usually, these visits are scheduled 3-6 months in advance. Please be in touch with your Region or Conference office about your congregation’s interest in hosting a mission co-worker. Should a congregation plan a special mission event, The Mission Personnel Office will try to provide a current or former Global Ministries mission co-worker or volunteer as a mission speaker. 

If you are a member of a congregation interested in requesting or receiving a mission co-worker visit while a mission co-worker is in your UCC Conference/Disciples Region please contact Catherine Nichols

Planning a Mission Co-worker Visit
Hosting a Mission Co-worker
List of Mission Co-worker Relationships

Missionary Resources

There are always new resources to read on the Missionary Stories and Letters page. You’ll find worship resources, missionary photos, faith journey statements, and mission moments. Select a missionary letter the next time you prepare for worship, bible study or a prayer group.

Missionary Relationship

The Missionary Relationship Program provides an exciting opportunity for your congregation to gain greater understanding of mission around the world.  By developing a relationship with a missionary, your congregation can put a face on mission and provide a wonderful church family for the missionary.

We have many exciting ways that you can deepen your relationship with our missionaries and we hope that your church’s Mission Committee can consider some or all as you enter into this relationship.

To Establish a Missionary Relationship

• Choose your missionary.  You can find more details about each missionary and their work if you click on their name on our globalministries.org.  Check out both the missionary, global mission intern and long term volunteer pages. All of our missionaries, in the various categories, are excited and ready to be connected to a local church.


How to Create a Strong Missionary Relationship:

A missionary relationship can do so much to enhance your congregation’s awareness of mission.