Global Ministries at General Synod 2021

Global Ministries is a part of General Synod 33 in many ways! Don’t miss these opportunities to join us!
Monday, July 12
- 11am-6pm Virtual Exhibit Hall open
- 5:30-7:30pm Optional Event: WCM International Reception
Tuesday, July 13
- 11am-6pm Virtual Exhibit Hall open
- 5:00-7:00pm Celebrating 40 Years of German Partnership
- 7:00-8:15pm Optional Event: Ecumenical and Interfaith Relations Dinner
Wednesday, July 14
- 11am-6pm Virtual Exhibit Hall open
- 5:30-7:30pm Optional Event: UCC at the United Nations: Growing New Connections to Create a Just World
Thursday, July 15
- 11am-6pm Virtual Exhibit Hall open
Recorded workshops are now available for registered visitors to General Synod. Global Ministries is involved in the following workshops.
- Transformational UCC Ministries for a Just World
- Hands-On Mission: Get Involved with Global Ministries
- Global Stories and the Climate Crisis
- Dismantling Barriers, Building Bridges: Stories from around the world
Optional Events
Monday, July 12
5:30-7:30pm International Reception
Tuesday, July 13
5:00-7:00pm Celebrating 40 Years of German Partnership
7:00-8:15pm Ecumenical and Interfaith Relations Dinner ($15)
Wednesday, July 14
5:30-7:30pm UCC at the United Nations: Growing New Connections to Create a Just World
- Declaration for a Just Peace between Palestine and Israel - A Resolution to Recognize the United Nations International Decade for People of African Descent (2015-2024)
International Guests attending Synod
From Africa
- Ms. Joyce Steiner, Director of Programs and Advocacy, Christian Council of Ghana
From East Asia and the Pacific
- The Rev. Joram Calimutan, Program Coordinator, Faith Partnership and Solidarity, with the Interfaith Network for the Rights of Migrants of the Asia Pacific Mission for Migrants, based in Hong Kong
- The Rev. Tafue Lusama, an ordained minister of the Ekalesia Kelisiano Tuvalu, or Christian Church of Tuvalu
From Europe
- The Rev. Dr. Albrecht Phillips, Union of Evangelical Churches in the Evangelical Church in Germany
From Latin America and the Caribbean
- The Rev. Lisania Sustaita Martínez, Educational Coordinator of the “Mesa Conjunta para la Misión en México” or Common Table for Mission in Mexico, a common witness of the Congregational and Disciples of Christ Churches in Mexico.
From the Middle East
- Nidal Abu Zuluf, Manager of the Joint Advocacy Initiative of the East Jerusalem YMCA and the YWCA of Palestine
From Southern Asia
- The Rev. Rohaan Preman Ranjan, Director for the Peace and Justice Commission of the Church of the American Ceylon Mission.
Mission Coworkers attending Synod
- Kahala Cannon, mission co-worker, serving with the Council of Swaziland Church (Eswatini)
- Rachel Pellett, mission co-worker, serving with the United Church in Jamaica and Cayman Islands
- Shelby Perez, Global Mission Intern, serving with the Interreligious Engagement Center in Palestine, of the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem
- Claire Weihe, Global Mission Intern, serving with the Reformed Church in Hungary