JAI: In commemoration of the Palestinian Naksa – June 5, 1967

Ongoing Loss of Land, Ethnic Cleansing, and Forcible Displacement of the Palestinian People – A statement of the Joint Advocacy Initiative of the East Jerusalem YMCA and the YWCA of Palestine
On the 5th of June, the Palestinians commemorate the occupation of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip by Israel in 1967, referred to as Naksa (“setback” in Arabic). This meant that the entire area of British Mandate Palestine became under de facto Israeli control.
In the occupied Palestinian territory, the Palestinians live now in around 38% of the West Bank, hence less than 9% of historic Palestine. In spite of this reality and all the difficulties connected with the illegal Israeli policies and measures, the Palestinian people have always been committed to just peace and struggle for freedom and with the support of all peace-loving people worldwide.
The Naksa, like the Nakba (“catastrophe” in Arabic, referring to the forced displacement in 1948), is not just a historical event. It relates to daily Palestinian suffering under the continued Israeli occupation and violations of International Law manifested today in ongoing home evictions, forcible displacements of people, especially in East Jerusalem neighborhoods of Sheikh Jarrah and Silwan. The Israeli violations also include attacks and killings of civilians, home demolition, arrests and detentions, as well as land confiscation, annexation and building of more colonies (settlements), all done in breach of the international law.
In this commemoration, we call on our partners and friends to:
1. Send letters to their Minister of Foreign Affairs to uphold their obligations under international law as signatories of the Geneva conventions, requesting them to:
– place pressure on Israel to comply with international Law; and
– to recognize the Palestinian State on the land occupied in 1967, including East Jerusalem as its capital.
[In the US, you may use this recent 3rd Thursday Action Alert to contact your elected representatives.]
2. Promote the Boycott-Divestment-Sanctions (BDS) Campaign as a practical peaceful effective tool to bring Israel to comply with the international norms.

3. Support Palestinian steadfastness and resilience, Keeping their Hope Alive, through the sponsorship of olive trees.