MECC: Chaos in Lebanon may be a prelude to disintegration of society and state
If the chaos in Lebanon is not addressed, it may be a prelude to the final disintegration of society and state of Lebanon.

The state of affairs that the situation in Lebanon has reached, which culminated in the explosion and fire disaster in the Akkar region, which does not lack disasters, calls for taking extraordinary measures to address circumstances that go far beyond what can be described as abnormal and unacceptable.
The overwhelming chaos that characterizes the course of things in Lebanon today, if not addressed by drastic measures, may be a prelude to the final disintegration of society and state in Lebanon, which leads to what has ominous consequences and turns it into a “consolation award” in any potential international settlements.
The rush to donate blood and the social cohesion and unity between the people we witnessed in the Akkar region, as in other regions of the country, are the conclusive evidence of the level of social solidarity among the Lebanese that has endured despite the misery, deprivation and corruption in Lebanon and indicate that there are still values and dignity that can be salvaged towards a promising tomorrow.
We in the Middle East Council of Churches, as we call on the institutions of public affairs to be firm in order to protect the remaining factors of stability, are preparing to do what is necessary in terms of social support in the coming hours and days.
May God protect Lebanon and its people from all evil.