Condolence Message from UCC and Disciples leaders on Mumbai violence

Condolence Message from UCC and Disciples leaders on Mumbai violence

We are deeply saddened by the tragedy caused by the terrifying violent attacks in Mumbai in the last several days. Many innocent lives have been lost and others have been injured and affect in many ways We express our deep sympathies and condolences to the families and friends who grieve the loss of their loved ones in these attacks, both from India and from other countries. We pray for peace, comfort and healing for all those who have been affected.

We are deeply saddened by the tragedy caused by the terrifying violent attacks in Mumbai in the last several  days. Many innocent lives have been lost and others have been injured and affected in many ways  We express our deep sympathies and condolences to the families and friends who grieve the loss of their loved ones in these attacks, both from India and from other countries. We pray for peace, comfort and healing for all those who have been affected.

We strongly condemn this attack and any such act of violence which seeks to attain whatever goal one may have by causing terror and death. We stand in solidarity with all those who seek to bring lasting peace and justice by resisting such forces of evil, violence, and injustice. While Mumbai and India are not new to such violent attacks, we appreciate the resilience of the people of Mumbai to withstand yet another attack and pray that all such acts of terror may cease and lasting peace may prevail, and that forces of division and hatred may not be allowed to tear the community apart.

We applaud and are grateful to all those who have rendered selfless service even risking their lives, especially the security forces, to rescue and help the surviving victims and those affected by this violence. As the people of Mumbai and the government move on to recovery and rebuilding, we pray that deeper peace and harmonious relationship among the different communities of Mumbai and India may grow and be strengthened.

Rev. John Thomas,
General Minister and President,
United Church of Christ.
Rev. Sharon Watkins,
General Minister and President,
Christian Church (Disciples of Christ).


Rev. Cally Rogers-Witte,
Executive Minister, Wider Church Ministries &
Co-executive, Common Global Ministries.


Rev. David Vargas,
President, Division of Overseas Ministries &
Co-executive, Common Global Ministries.

Rev. James Vijayakumar
Area Executive for Southern Asia,
Common Global Ministries.