October 2007: Stewards of God’s Creation

October 2007: Stewards of God’s Creation

The earth is God’s and all that is in it, the world, and those who live in it. Psalm 24:1

 Octubre 2007 en español
 October 2007 Bulletin Insert Format


The earth is God’s and all that is in it, the world, and those who live in it. Psalm 24:1

Christians for Eco-concerns is an environmental group in Hong Kong committed to environmental education and action in churches from a faith perspective. We want Christians to understand that caring for the environment is a spiritual matter because we’re all called to be stewards of God’s Creation.

On 7/7/07, we held our first public event. Every person who attended (about 50) wanted to share his or her heartfelt concern for our Earth with other Christians. We engaged in discussion about global warming based on solid scientific evidence. We learned how climate change has already negatively impacted Hong Kong’s weather patterns and what global warming would mean to the future of China. Senior high students presented an outstanding wind and solar energy project.  The event was a blessing for us and reminded us that there is something each of us can do to heal the planet:

  • Support research and education on the relationship between climate change and health, environment, resources, etc.
  • Invest in renewable energy sources like solar power and wind power.
  • Petition the government to tackle climate change in your town, city or state.
  • Get your church involved in the Christian environmental movement.
  • Most of all live a thrifty lifestyle!

Judy Chan is a Global Ministries missionary serving with the Hong Kong Christian Council.  Judy is responsible for communications, radio ministry, and building ecumenical relationships.

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