Oppression and Denial Spark Marches in Angola

Oppression and Denial Spark Marches in Angola

Summary & Comment: The more people are repressed,the more they get organized for marches. The power is being confronted by the population that strives for the minimum. It seems that before the 2012 elections the situation will be worse. The new generation is using social network to claim for their rights. Even MPLA members are requesting the basics needed to live from the authorities. Drinkable water, electricity, and freedom of speech and so forth are these basics I am talking about. JK

Oppression and denial spark marches

It is dark over here outside at Bairro Prenda, I am bending over my tiny laptop jotting notes of my OPSA – Social and Political Observatory of today’s meeting. After long and tiring journey from Dombe Grande, Baia Farta – Benguela Province I remembered that I still have to write a small note on the very recent public marches in Luanda.

As many of you are aware, Angola is enjoying peace without justice and real reconciliation in the last nine years. Despite infrastructures construction people’s lives still being neglected. The basic to enjoy life in its fullness as promised by Jesus Christ do not exist. Life is becoming harder for millions of Angolan people and the gap between the rich and poor increases every day. There is no middle class.

The paralyzing culture is slowly being replaced by courage. Many people around the country especially young people are saying enough is enough. The North Africa winds are certainly inspiring many people. Currently MPLA the ruling political party in Angola since 1975 is being directly confronted by its own people who are actually requesting the basics to live from the authorities. Drinkable water, electricity, and freedom of speech and so forth are these basics I am talking about.

The more people are repressed more they get organized for marches. The power is being confronted by the population that strives for the minimum. It seems that before the 2012 elections the situation will be worse. The new generation is using social network to claim for their rights. The judgment of the recent protesters was postponed for this coming Tuesday, while their relatives continue protesting outside of police court.

The infrastructure reconstruction need to be accompanied by Human beings rehabilitation as well. Apart from healing the land from land mines, Angola is crying for the healing of souls as well. Your prayers are very much welcome as Angola and its people try to find the right path for freedom.

Cheerfully Yours,

Luis Samacumbi
DASEP outgoing Director