Pacific Conference of Churches (PCC) 50th Anniversary
The Pacific Conference of Churches (PCC) held its 50th Anniversary Celebration in Apia, Samoa, Aug. 30 – Sept. 5, 2011. The PCC has walked with its member churches in the Pacific for the last 50 years. The celebration had three parts: celebrations, dealing with current issues of the Pacific, and visions for the future. Climate Change is the most serious problem for the Pacific, and some islands and countries are facing relocation of their residents. In addition to this, 322 nuclear tests took place in the Pacific. Tests were performed by the United States (108), United Kingdom (21) and France (193). The contamination could last for 240,000 years. The fallout from the testing has brought tremendous suffering to the Pacific People, and these Western countries have taken no responsibility for it. As a long-time partner of the PCC, Global Ministries had opportunity to work alongside the PCC as advocates for climate church and against nuclear testing in the Pacific. CGMB sent Aaron Wiggins to work with the PCC in support of environmental justice in the Pacific. Area Executive for East Asia and the Pacific of CGMB, Xiaoling Zhu has observed CGMB mission personnel Aaron Wiggins’ excellent participation during the celebration.