Perfect Love of Life

Perfect Love of Life

Elena Huegel
Global Ministries’ missionary serving in Chile.

READ: 1 John 4:18

I crouch in the aisle of the dark church, my heart thumping with excitement. The music begins and the voice of God echoes, “One day I thought of you and decided to give you the gift of life.  As the earth turned, I blew into your heart, and you were born.”  The lights come on slowly, and I join the youth group in a theatrical dance presentation they have created and produced. Now three teenagers hold brightly wrapped packages which represent this divine gift of life.  Some of us look at the package from the outside, satisfied with the pretty paper and bow.  Others unwrap the box, but pick and choose only  those things that seem comfortable or familiar.  Still others embrace the whole gift, savoring the challenges and obstacles, joys and pains, loneliness and relationships.

Elena Huegel
Global Ministries’ missionary serving in Chile.

READ: 1 John 4:18

I crouch in the aisle of the dark church, my heart thumping with excitement. The music begins and the voice of God echoes, “One day I thought of you and decided to give you the gift of life.  As the earth turned, I blew into your heart, and you were born.”  The lights come on slowly, and I join the youth group in a theatrical dance presentation they have created and produced. Now three teenagers hold brightly wrapped packages which represent this divine gift of life.  Some of us look at the package from the outside, satisfied with the pretty paper and bow.  Others unwrap the box, but pick and choose only  those things that seem comfortable or familiar.  Still others embrace the whole gift, savoring the challenges and obstacles, joys and pains, loneliness and relationships.

PRAYER:  God, help us open ourselves completely to your gift of life so we
may discover who we are, who others are, and how we are all connected. Amen.

El amor perfecto de la vida
Elena Huegel
Misionera de Ministerios Globales sirviendo en Chile.

LEER: 1 Juan 4:18

Me agacho en el pasillo de la oscura iglesia con mi corazón
latiendo de emoción.  La música comienza y se oye el eco de la voz de Dios,
“Un día pensé en ti y decidí darte el regalo de la vida.  Mientras la tierra
giraba, soplé en tu corazón, y naciste.”  Las luces se prenden lentamente, y
danzo junto al grupo juvenil en una presentación teatral que ellos mismos
han creado.  Después, tres adolescentes sostienen paquetes alegremente
envueltos que representan este regalo divino de la vida.  Algunos de
nosotros miramos el paquete desde afuera, satisfechos con el moño y el lindo
papel.  Otros desenvolvemos el regalo, pero escogemos solamente aquellas
cosas que nos parecen cómodas o familiares.  Aún otros abrazamos el regalo

ORACIÓN:  Dios, ayúdanos a abrirnos completamente ante tu regalo de la vida
para que podamos descubrir quiénes somos nosotros, quiénes son los demás, y
cómo estamos todos entretejidos.  Amén.