PIEF update: World Week for Peace in Palestine Israel, 22 – 28 September 2013
News about the WCC’s World Week for Peace
The international working group of World Week for Peace in Palestine Israel invites WCC member churches, faith-based communities, civil society organizations and other agencies working for justice to join a week of prayer, education and advocacy for an end to the illegal Israeli occupation of Palestine and a just end to the conflict. The theme of this year’s event is “Jerusalem, the city of justice and peace.”
In the last month, a variety of new resources have been created by partner congregations and peace activists worldwide, to be used by local churches and community groups as they prepare events and activities for the week. These new resources include:
- “Jerusalem, the City of Justice and Peace,” a new worship liturgy written by Palestinian Christian theologians and laity, including prayers, Scripture readings, and suggested hymns, available in English and Spanish (and soon in French and German). This liturgy will be used in Christian worship services in Palestine on Sunday 22 September; on this day, churches worldwide are encouraged to use this liturgy as written, or adapt it to fit their local contexts.
- A call from the Jerusalem Inter-Church Centre to join a Holy Land tour to Palestine during World Week for Peace in Palestine Israel. A complete itinerary and further information are available.
- The latest resources from the Ecumenical Accompaniment Programme in Palestine and Israel (EAPPI), including recent factsheets and first-hand reports from EAs serving in the region.
- An invitation to participate in the ACT Palestine Forum Prayer Vigil, taking place on 24 September 2013 (and on the 24th of every month throughout the year).
- An appeal from the United Church of Canada to the Canadian government that Israeli settlement products be clearly identified.
To access these resources, or for further information about World Week for Peace in Palestine Israel 2013, please click here.
Additional resources will be forthcoming in the near future, so please continue to check the website, as well as our Facebook group.
* Rev. Calhoun is the World Council of Churches’ Convenor for the World Week for Peace in Palestine Israel