Pray For Honduras on Sunday July 19, 2009

Pray For Honduras on Sunday July 19, 2009

Lectionary Text and Prayers for: Mark 6: 30-34; 53-56

Creator, God our Source for every need with heavy hearts we pray this day for our sisters and brothers and their families in Honduras facing massive layoffs, a time of unrest and confusion in their land. Into your light of wholeness we lift them recalling the compassion of your son. We feel your power in your recognition of our need for wholeness.  

Today we pray for courage in collegiality of all international partners as they strive to reach out to the people of this land as they endeavor to treat workers fairly, provide a living wage and offer the scheduled services.  For these dedicated leaders may they see clearly what a faithful response can be in the face of current realities.  Only by cultivating a deep inner awareness, will inner wholeness be attained.  Just as we re-call that only to touch the edge of Jesus coat brought healing to the people may we have the faith to be made whole as those who reached out, touched him and received his blessing.  AMEN

(Prayer by Sharon Mann)

Global Ministries International Partners in:


Asociacion de Instituciones Evangelicas de Honduras (AIEH)

Comision Cristiana de Desarrollo (CCD)

Comisión Social Menonita – CASM

Seminario Teologico de la Iglesia Evangelica y Reforma (SETIER)

Sinodo de la Iglesia Evangelica y Reformada de Honduras (IERH)

Global Ministries Missionary in Honduras:

Alan D. Dicken is the newly appointed global mission intern and will serve a one-year term working in the communications ministry.  He will assist with hosting groups visiting the Christian Commission of Development (CCD) in Honduras beginning September 1, 2009.