Lusaka West Farm



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In 1993, long-standing Global Ministries partner, the Council of Churches of Zambia (CCZ), embarked on an important project in the area of agriculture and agricultural education.  The Lusaka West Farm is located on 24 hectares of land, which the Zambian government donated to the CCZ.  Its mission is:  a) to train village and rural persons in agricultural skills; and b) to provide needed food to the poor people of Lusaka.

The land was fenced and developed for farming and agricultural education.  Today there are fish ponds, pig-raising projects, cabbage and other crops, and a poultry area with both egg-laying chickens and broilers raised and sold.  The fish-raising has been integrated with the pig project, with the disposal of pig manure into the fish ponds, both promoting pond fertilization and supplying renewable fish feed.  This system has naturally reduced the farm’s costs for fish supplement feeds and a substantially higher yield of fish has been noted.

The projects at the Lusaka West Farm can be replicated in other areas and on a smaller scale with great success.  It provides important and effective training for people who are working smaller farms, some of which are run by local congregations.  Its primary aim is to run profitably in mixed farming, contributing to the Council of Churches in Zambia and maintaining self-sustainability.

While the farm’s programs are generating vital resources to improve local schools and community development projects, the farm itself still has additional needs to perform to capacity.  The farm is in need of a utility vehicle and other farm equipment.  The farm also needs to install electric fencing to deter theft and safeguard the investments already made in the farm. 

Estimated cost for a 1.0 to 1.5 ton utility van is about $20,000.  The estimated cost for fencing is $10,000. 

Gifts to Lusaka West Farm may be used in the following ways:

  • $15 could purchase chicken feed
  • $25 may purchase a section of fencing
  • $50 might provide fuel for a farm vehicle or equipment

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To make a gift for this ministry online or by check use the online donation page.

  • 100% of your gift will be directed to Lusaka West Farm
  • You will receive updates on the work in this area as they become available
  • Share in the vision of God’s abundant life for all people

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