Project SIVAYA, “Praise the Lord”

Angola Special Project


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The Evangelical Congregational Church of Angola

The Evangelical Congregational Church in Angola (IECA) was founded in 1880 in the Chilume Mission of Bailundo, a province of Huambo. IECA is a longstanding partner of Global Ministries, and is grounded by a mission to serve people in need through evangelism, rural and urban community development, education and literacy, and health services. IECA currently operates in 15 of the 18 provinces that comprise Angola, a country devastated by a 27-year civil war that has resulted in extreme poverty, malnutrition, disease, and hunger. Incredible inflation adds to the issues facing the people of Angola. Although IECA’s work began long before the civil war, the recovery process has presented an unprecedented challenge for the church as it strives to meet the needs of the Angolan people.

During the civil war, many people sought emergency refuge in neighboring countries such as Zambia and Namibia, taking with them only the basic necessities to sustain life such as food and clothing.  Hymnbooks and Bibles were left behind, and the majority were lost or burned. As refugees returned back to their original villages after many years of exile, they found nothing left. Homes had been destroyed, families had been torn apart, and the refugees were faced with rebuilding their lives and communities. The social, political, and economic situation posed enormous challenges to families as they reintegrated into Angola’s post-war society.

IECA has played a key role in rebuilding Angola’s rural communities. Literacy programs, vocational training, childcare services, and other programs help Angolans address the issues of poverty and develop skills needed to participate in their own recovery and the recovery of their communities.  In addition, IECA has organized personnel to return to the rural areas and convey the word of hope and progress through social work and gospel. However, there is a critical shortage of available Bibles and hymnals in these villages.  For a group of 300 people, there may as few as three hymnals and Bibles, most of which are incomplete or damaged. As a result, pastors and lay leaders must make handwritten copies of chapters and songs to be used during their services. This makes it extremely challenging to meet the spiritual needs of the hundreds of people turning to IECA leaders on a daily basis and delays the rebuilding and reconciliation process that is so crucial to Angola’s future.

There is a great need to provide hymnals and Bibles to people with low incomes and who cannot afford such an expense. Project SIVAYA, “Praise the Lord,” will provide hymnals and Bibles in Portuguese, Umbundu, Nganguela, Fiote, and Kimbundu to people in rural areas where there is the most need. In some cases, there will be need for republishing in order to have hymnals and Bibles available in all languages of the area. Pastors and laypeople will be able to revitalize regular worship and Sunday school classes and provide these spiritual materials to those seeking guidance and support from the church. Through this evangelical outreach, the church anticipates the following outcomes:

  • Strengthening of people’s faith and hope for the future
  • Teaching of positive values and examples from the Bible
  • Cultivation of young generations toward positive thinking and actions
  • Stimulation, reading, and practicing of the gospel
  • Development of moral and civic values toward a lasting peace in Angola

IECA understands that helping Angolan people achieve peace and reconciliation as individuals, as families, and as communities, requires a transformation of mind and spirit. By providing hymnals and Bibles to those in greatest need, IECA will further the advancement of Angola’s recovery process and help the country work toward a peaceful future filled with harmony, faith, and hope.

  • $10 can purchase a Bible in Portuguese, Umbundu, Nganguela, Fiote, or Kimbundu
  • $15 can purchase a hymnal

Support this Ministry

To make a gift for this ministry online or by check use the online donation page.

  • 100% of your gift will be directed to Project SIVAYA, “Praise the Lord”
  • You will receive updates on the work in this area as they become available
  • Share in the vision of God’s abundant life for all people

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