Health Priority for the Disciples of Christ in Congo

Democratic Republic of Congo

Click here to read the update on Bolenge Hospital

Click here to read the latest update on Wema Hospital

Click here to read the latest update on all Health Priority Projects

The CDCC shares a video update on their work related to COVID-19

Over 100 years ago, U.S. missionaries founded the Community of Disciples of Christ in Congo (CDCC) in what today is the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), formerly known as Zaire.  The church has been affiliated with the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in the United States since 1899.

According to the United Nations, the people of the DRC continue to suffer intensely from over five years of war that has left trails of death and destruction throughout the country. Although the economic situation in the DRC continues to improve with the institution of a transitional government in 2003, this progress is slow.

The Community of Disciples of Christ of the Congo (CDCC) had felt enthusiasm during the last visit of Dr. Gene Johnson to their hospitals several years ago.  Dr. Johnson assessed the infrastructure of the six CDCC hospitals. His report was very thorough and the CDCC embarked on improving the situation of all of the hospitals, with the support of partners, including Global Ministries.

However, the situation of five of the hospitals has continued to deteriorate.  The buildings are in disrepair.  Doctors work in often difficult conditions without electricity, with obsolete and in some cases non-existent equipment.  Some have no refrigeration to maintain vaccines and inputs for transfusions.  Some hospital beds were destroyed during the passage of military groups, and some of those remaining are without mattresses. There is a lack of furnishings such as cabinets, chairs, tables, and typewriters.

The CDCC, in its February 2013 report and proposal, is grateful to Global Ministries and to Dr. Johnson for their support in the provision of medications that are very useful.  Some organizations have assisted in the transport of hospital doctors, giving each a motorcycle, except the Medical Director of Bosobele.

In order to move forward the following are the priority needs for five of the hospitals:

  1. Rehabilitation and/or construction of the buildings of five hospitals:  Bosobele, Lotumbe, Wema, Monieka, Mondombe:  especially provision of windows, doors, paint, tiled      floors and walls of the operating rooms and maternity facilities: $20,000 x 5 hospitals = $100,000 SubtotalSanitation for each hospital:  CDCC is pleased to report that the Lotumbe Hospital received the sum of $5,641 for this project.  Work remains for the four remaining hospitals (Bosobele, Monieka, Wema and Mondombe):    $6,000 x 4 hospitals = $24,000 Subtotal
  2. Water Projects for each hospital: CDCC plans that in addition to wells, that facilities will be set up for the collection of rainwater:
  3. Drilling water wells for five  hospitals (Bosobele, Lotumbe, Mondombe, Monieka, and Wema:  $2,500 x 5 = $ 12,500 Subtotal Development of systems of rainwater collection for Wema, Monieka and Mondombe:  $3,000 x 3 = $9,000 SubtotalInstallation of the rainwater collection system for Bosobele and Lotumbe:  $5,000 x 2 = $10,000 Subtotal
  4. Equipment for 5 hospitals services in pediatrics, gynecology, surgery, laboratory and consultations:  $35,000 x 5 = $175,000 SubtotalPurchase of ultrasound machines:  $13,840 x 6 (including Bolenge) = $83,040 SubtotalEquipment for renewable solar energy:  $12,000 x 5 = $60,000 Subtotal

Total: $473,500

Bolenge Hospital
Bolenge Hospital, located in the city of Bolenge, in the Equatorial Province of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), was built in 1928. In a typical year Bolenge Hospital treats over 16,000 patients; over 50 percent for HIV/AIDS- related illnesses.  Much work is also done at Bolenge Hospital to provide early childhood vaccinations, prenatal visits, and obstetrical care as well as treatment of chronic and punctual illness and disease.

Bolenge Hospital has been plagued by the residual effects of the ongoing conflict, the country as a whole continues to be unstable. This has obliged Bolenge Hospital to increase its patients’ load while not being able to cope with increased demand for pharmaceutical supplies and community health care. On June 13, 2006, the Bolenge Hospital experienced an electrical fire, which completely destroyed the hospital’s newer main building and equipment.  Community members worked hard to save the people inside the building before it was completely engulfed by flames and no human lives were lost. The patients were brought to the homes of doctors, pastors, and others in the community, and some were relocated to nearby Mbandaka. A plan to rebuild Bolenge Hospital was soon agreed upon and is being implemented as resources become available. Approximately three years after the fire, the new pediatric ward building was completed, thanks in great part to the Robert and Abby Learned Family.  This was a major triumph in the rebuilding of the hospital. By February of 2010, the pediatric ward was outfitted with equipment, beds, and medical instruments and the new ward was dedicated.

In August 2012 Reverend Sandra Gourdet, former Area Executive for Africa, visited Bolenge Hospital with a delegation of visitors for the Dedication of the Maternity Ward.  The Maternity Ward will have 50 beds and is connected to the Pediactric Wing via a covered walkway. The building has been completed and funds have been allocated to begin to furnish the Maternity Ward.  The Maternity Ward was made possible in great part thanks to the Gene and Sue Johnson Family and the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) of North Carolina.

CDCC Medical Team Heading Up River

In late 2012, an epidemic of measles in the village of Nkasa was reported to the Community of Disciples of Christ in the Congo (CDCC) medical center in Lotumbe. Between December 2012 and March 2013, 191 cases of measles were documented, with an untold number in more remote regions. The epidemic was difficult to stem because it takes nearly two days of travel by dugout canoe to reach Nkasa from Lotumbe (which itself is a full day’s journey from the CDCC center of Mbandaka), and the vaccines are difficult to manage in the local climate.

In May 2013, Dr. Bosolo of the CDCC, with a team of medical personnel, visited Nkasa and found that the local health center had been inadequately supplied to address such an outbreak.  The lack of infrastructure had both contributed to an outbreak that had led to 71 deaths. The disease also had affected the nearby villages of Boyera, Befili, Lotumbe, and Betsimbola.

Supplied with the necessary medications which were purchased with designated gifts to Global Ministries, Dr. Bosolo’s team was able to respond effectively to the measles epidemic, treating over 60 cases successfully. Since the team’s departure from Nkasa, there have been five deaths, a rate of one death per roughly 12.5 cases compared to the initial rate of one death per 2.6 cases.

After returning from Nkasa, Dr. Bosolo made several recommendations for improving the responsiveness of the clinic in Nkasa, and other nearby health centers:

  1. Equip remote centers, especially Nkasa and Betsimbola, with coolers capable of storing vaccines
  2. Equip remote clinics with primary medical materials for the care of patients
  3. Improve supervision of outlying areas under the care of the regional hospital in Lotumbe
  4. Work with people to help them take charge of their children’s health in the early stages of measles

Your support of the many medical projects organized by the Community of Disciples of Christ in the Congo helped to save lives on this medical trip and your continued support of rural health clinics and hospitals can help to prevent epidemics like this from afflicting villages like Nkasa in the future.

Update: Wema Hospital

The team of Medical Coordinators of the ECC / 10-CDCC made a trip to Wema Hospital for the installation of the water supply system and rehabilitation of the hospital operating room. The operating room has been closed since last year by the inspectors of the provincial health division because of the very advanced deterioration of the building. The team found the hospital was unstable due to having no ceilings; all of the doors and windows were dilapidated, providing direct contact between the operating room and the outside; there was no paint or plastering; the foundation had numerous cracks, and the carpentry was very fragile. There also was a lack of water, with the closest water a fair distance away, it made the accessibility to water an issue.

While the team was there, they were able to:

  • Install new ceilings
  • Plaster all walls
  • Apply new paint
  • Install new electrical needs
  • Rehabilitate many of the walls and the foundation that had large cracks
  • Install a system for water supply including two 2000 liter tanks.

The repair of the operating room and the installation of the water supply to the Wema Hospital are two responses that have solved twomajor difficulties in the hospital.  At the moment, the operating room has been re-opened, pending the finishing elements, and drinking water is available at the hospital. There is still, however, a need of further repair. In order to properly finish on the operating room, a total of $6,500.00 needs to be raised.

Update: May 2013

The erection of the walls of building three at Bolenge Hospital will end shortly.  The next step will be the roof.

Update: Bolenge Hospital

June 2014

It is with much excitement that the construction on the third new unit, the Surgical Wing, at Bolenge Hospital is nearing completion.  The new Surgical Wing will join the Pediatric and Maternity wings. With the roof completed, only the finishing touches remain as preparations are underway for the dedication this September.

In addition to the new building, funds have also been raised for the shipping of a container with the complete furnishings and equipment for the new wing. The arrival of this shipment is awaited with great enthusiasm. In addition to the furnishings and equipment for the Surgical Wing it also includes a critically-needed portable digital x-ray machine, an ultrasound unit, and a new generator for Bolenge Hospital to replace the current one that is on its last legs.  This equipment will help to make Bolenge one of the most comprehensive medical facilities in the region.

The container will be shipped as soon as the generator arrives. The excitement over this shipment is further heightened by the fact that shortwave radio kits (radios, solar panels, batteries, antennas, cables, and wiring) were also added to the shipment, in order to complete the radio communications infrastructure for the CDCC,  which has been undertaken by the Disciples Amateur Radio Fellowship and the United Church Amateur Network (DARF-UCAN)  Because of the reduced costs made possible by combining these two efforts both projects will be completed earlier than initially thought possible.

This shipment also included radio equipment for the hospital boat, which will make this unique ministry even more effective.

You can learn more about these life giving health ministries through the new video from the Congo Initiative

Update: Wema Hospital

July 2014 

The rehabilitation of the Wema Hospital remains an urgent priority for the medical work of the CCDC medical program.  Thanks to special gifts to Global Ministries, many of the needed materials have been purchased for restoring the maternity ward; these materials are slowly making their way up river to Wema. The hospital’s water supply has been restored in the surgery and maternity units of the hospital.  A recent report from the CDCC Medical Director says that it seems as though the hospital has undergone a great change before his very eyes.  Both the CDCC and the doctors at the Wema Hospital feel confident that they will be able to continue their much-needed medical work in the area, thanks to the continuing special support that is making this possible.

Update: Wema Hospital

February 2015

Global Ministries received word from Dr. Bosolo of the Community of the Disciples of Christ in the Congo (CDCC) that, although Wema Hospital’s maternity and surgery rooms were closed in 2012 by health inspectors, the CDCC is happy to report today that with the support of Global Ministries, former missionaries/friends of the CDCC, and two years of hard work, the hospital is in full rehabilitation!

The surgery suite and maternity center began their transformations in 2013 and are now complete.  The Hospital staff is currently assessing left over materials and their possible use for the renewal of the emergency room.

The current needs of the hospital are:

  • Beds and mattresses
  • A complete rehabilitation of the hospital for a new look

Global Ministries continues to welcome gifts for the Rehabilitation of the CDCC Wema Hospital.

Update: Bolenge Hospital

March 2016

Global Ministries is delighted to share a report from the CDCC that the construction of the surgical wing at Bolenge Hospital is complete.  This is the third wing of the new Bolenge Hospital facility.  The pediatrics wing and the maternity wing were the first two wings to be constructed in the new facility.  Bolenge Hospital is grateful for the global support, community, and presence through the completed construction of these three wings.

As the surgical wing is now in use for operations, Bolenge Hospital is constructing a fourth wing, the post-operation and recovery wing.  Currently, post-operation patients are recovering in a shared space with individuals entering the hospital, where it is difficult to contain diseases and reduce the spread of infections.  The CDCC has already begun construction on this fourth wing, and is raising funds for the completion of the construction.

In addition, the CDCC has purchased an x-ray machine for Bolenge Hospital.  However, due to the dangers of radiation exposure, Bolenge Hospital does not currently have a space to safely take x-ray images without putting other patients at risk.  Bolenge has identified a space in an old, unused hospital building that would be appropriate for placing the x-ray machine for use.  Prior to using the room and x-ray machine safely, the room is in need of repairs costing approximately $5,000.  The CDCC is beginning the rehabilitation of this space to begin using the x-ray machine.


Update: Wema Hospital

March 2016

Wema Hospital continues to provide better access to health care, emergency medical services, maternity care and surgeries.  The maternity and surgical wings are remodeled and new, however the remaining portions of the hospital are becoming old and repairs and rehabilitation are becoming more pressing.  The CDCC is preparing to remodel the remaining portions of the hospital in order to continue providing health care services to the surrounding communities of Wema Hospital.  The first wing to be rehabilitated is the emergency room, as it is the oldest wing in the hospital.  These renovations include new beds and mattresses, as well as structural improvements.    The CDCC estimates the total cost of improving Wema Hospital is $20,000.  


Update: Wema Hospital

July 2016

The Community of Disciples of Christ in the Congo (CDCC) is continuing in the next stage of renovations, including a renewal of Wema Hospital’s medical equipment and hospital beds.  These improvements include the purchase of items including a delivery table, ultrasound machine, bed frames, mattresses, and otoscopes (instrument used in ear examinations).  The CDCC’s Department of Health is able to purchase and deliver these items locally from Kinshasa. Global Ministries continues to welcome gifts to support the Wema Hospital as they provide reliable access to health care in the Democratic Republic of the Congo through the renewal of medical equipment and hospital beds.

  • A gift of $50 provides one bed mattress
  • A gift of $100 provides one otoscope (ear examination instrument)
  • A gift of $250 provides a bed frame and a mattress
  • A gift of $1,000 provides one delivery table

Update: Health Priority Projects

August 2016

There are multiple wet and dry seasons in the Equatorial forest of Democratic Republic of Congo.  The wet season in March and April is cooler than the wet season in October and November.  In contrast, the dry season from December to February is warm, while the dry season between June and August is often cloudy and cool.  These changes in seasons are accompanied by spikes in certain illnesses.  For example, the wet seasons are associated with cholera and the dry seasons with malaria. This creates a surge in demand for medications to address these illnesses, and puts enormous pressure on health facilities to maintain enough beds, medications, and supplies.

Recently, more than three dozen large boxes of medicines and supplies traveled up the Congo River from Kinshasa to Mbandaka.  The boxes were quickly unpacked and repacked with a variety of medicines and supplies destined for six hospitals under CDCC’s management.  The six hospitals are located throughout the Equateur Province in Lotumbe, Bosobele, Mondombe, Wema, Monieka and Bolenge.  The furthest is Mondombe, which is 1,000 kilometers from Mbandaka.  The mode of transportation is again by boat, or more precisely a motored canoe called a “pirogue”, and it will take a full week for the boxes heading to Mondombe to arrive.

In addition to malaria and cholera, many of the medications will address widespread and common infections that are sexually transmitted, as well as those that impact lungs and urinary tract. The Democratic Republic of Congo is home to a wide distribution network of pharmacies and available medications.  However, the cost of medicine is slightly out of reach for many Congolese for the treatment of diseases such as malaria.  As malaria is fatal if left untreated, the distribution of medicines bound for the six hospitals is critical to their life-saving ministries through the treatment of treatable diseases.

The Health Priority Projects of the CDCC continue to be a priority for funding support.  Special gifts made to support the Health Priorities of the CDCC have helped to save lives through the prevention, education, and treatment of disease outbreaks.  Global Ministries continues to welcome gifts in support of the Health Priority Projects of the CDCC.


Update: Bolenge Hospital

February 2017

On January 23rd, the leadership of the Community of Disciples of Christ in Congo (CDCC) held a small ceremony to mark the conclusion of major construction for the recovery wing at Bolenge Hospital.  Church officials, doctors, nurses, administrators, and staff sat under a canopy of palm branches to hear about the history of the hospital and the significance of reaching this important milestone. Before the ceremony, a rain storm blew into Mbandaka, a sign of blessing after weeks of dry weather. A formal dedication ceremony for the recovery wing will take place in May after it is fully furnished.

congo2.jpgThe completion of the recovery wing joins the pediatric, maternity, and surgical wings of the hospital completed after a devastating fire in 2011. The recovery wing is the latest addition in a multiphase master plan for the redevelopment of Bolenge Hospital, which is recognized by the government as a regional hospital. Rev. Eliki Bonanga, President of CDCC, credited the partnership with Global Ministries in making the recovery wing a reality. During his remarks, Dr. Bosolo shared that the completion of recovery wing improves the capacity of the hospital to provide quality care and services to the population in the province.

Bolenge Hospital is one of six hospitals affiliated with the CDCC in the Equator Province. In addition to the hospitals, there are 100 clinics operated by CDCC. This network of church-affiliated healthcare facilities ensures timely distribution of medicines and healthcare information to enhance public health.

After the ceremony, the approximately 80 attendees were invited inside for a tour. Once inside, guests were shown the large separate rooms where men and women will recover from surgery.  The building also included offices, examination rooms, and waiting areas. The design of the recovery wing is similar to the other wings at the hospital, a square building with an atrium in the middle where natural sunlight can come through. Solar panels and a generator provide the necessary electrical power for lighting and running equipment.


Update: Health Priority Projects

February 2017

The CDCC continues in its work to strengthen medical care within the DRC, particularly in remote and rural areas. Accessibility to quality healthcare remains a chief concern as there is generally a lack of trained medical professionals, medicines, and medical equipment available in rural communities. The CDCC believes it is important to support and encourage rural physicians so this work can continue and expand.

The CDCC has made significant expansions over the past ten years in health care and medical treatment. In the villages where the CDCC is present, people are able to see physicians in their homes. Before, people would have walked for many hours or days to see a doctor. Diseases are treated more quickly and efficiently, CDCC physicians are performing emergency surgeries now, and there is better maternal care. Medicines are also more readily accessible to these communities when necessary.

The CDCC is dedicated to continuing to serve these communities and providing high-quality healthcare. As an example of this, a generator was recently installed and an x-ray machine will be installed in Bolenge Hospital. The room for the x-ray machine is prepared, but certain supplies are still needed before the installation can take place.

Global Ministries extends thanks to those who have given to the health priorities of the CDCC and continues to welcome gifts supporting the health priorities of the CDCC. These gifts may be used to provide resources like supplies for the x-ray installation, physician support, and medicines.

Update: Bolenge Hospital

February 2018

1bolenge2018.jpgBolenge Hospital has opened four new wings since the fire seized the hospital in 2011. These four wings include the maternity wing, the pediatric wing, a surgical unit, and most recently, the post-operation recovery wing. The hospital also offers internal medical care and ophthalmology (eye care), both of which have been given a new infrastructure. Last year, the newly renovated X-ray room was completed, which is providing a safe space for conducting radiological testing that was not previously available. In addition to the new physical spaces to the hospital, Bolenge Hospital acquired new examining equipment, including an ultrasound machine. This new equipment is contributing greatly to the healthcare provided by the CDCC.

In 2017, over 2,600 patients were treated at Bolenge Hospital, 1,300 of whom were inpatients. The hospital staff operated on over 400 patients and delivered 235 babies. Malaria was the primary purpose of patient visits, other common patient visits included patients with respiratory diseases, sexually-transmitted diseases, diarrhea, anemia, and high blood pressure.

The political context of the DRC has brought about many challenges for the whole country. Bolenge Hospital is no exception. Last year, the hospital personnel faced challenges in receiving their government-paid salaries. As a result, the CDCC and the hospital administration are working to create a sustainability plan for providing the salaries of hospital employees.

Looking ahead to the future, Bolenge Hospital plans to continue expanding hospital grounds, increasing the pharmaceutical supply, and obtaining further specialized laboratory equipment. Other goals include switching its electrical source to solar panels, strengthening the HIV education program, and providing continuing education for staff. Global Ministries welcomes donations for the Bolenge Hospital and extends thanks to all those who have contributed toward the health priorities of the Community of Disciples of Christ in the Congo.

Update: Health Priority Projects

May 2018

cdccmedical.jpgIn January 2018, Community of Disciples of Christ in the Congo embarked on the 35th ambulance boat trip. Originally begun as an emergency response to the Ebola outbreak, the CDCC ambulance boat continues to bring healthcare professionals to local villages. Clinics and hospitals in the Congo are often unable to provide all of the services and medications their patients require, and there is a heavy demand for medical care. The CDCC ambulance boat supports these local clinics and hospitals by making trips to different areas along the riverways to conduct health evaluations, diagnose conditions, and distribute medicine.

The most recent ambulance boat trip set out from the hospital in Mbandaka and visited villages located in the Ngiri Triangle, which is the region between the Ubangi, Congo, and Ngiri Rivers. On board were a crew of five doctors, two nurses, a medical technician, a family planning specialist, and two boat drivers. Throughout the journey, they visited eight hospitals and clinics. A total of 1,832 patients were treated by ambulance medical professionals and over 100 surgeries were performed.

cdccmedical2.pngFinancing for the 35th ambulance boat trip came from multiple sources, including Global Ministries. Along the journey, ambulance staff collected voluntary donations from patients, money which will contribute to the sustainability of the project for future ambulance boat trips. Global Ministries welcomes donations for the continuation of this project and extends thanks to all those who have supported healthcare priorities of the CDCC in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Update: Wema Hospital

May 2018

wema.jpgThe Community of Disciples of Christ in the Congo (CDCC) oversees six hospitals in some of the most rural and war-torn areas of the country. Wema Hospital is one of the CDCC’s hospitals, and is located. Wema is located in a rural area more than 75 miles by road from Boende and 375 miles from Mbandaka. Situated along the river, Wema Hospital attends to populations with critical medical needs and little access to medical care.

wema2.jpgLast year, over 118,000 individuals received medical attention at Wema Hospital. The hospital offers birth deliveries, surgeries, and medical consultations every month. In recent years, Wema Hospital has improved their facilities in order to offer medical care for more families. With support from special gifts through Global Ministries, the CDCC has renovated the surgery ward, maternity ward, and administrative offices. Additionally, a rainwater collection system was installed, new beds and mattresses were purchased, and more medicines were received to treat medical conditions.

These renovations to the hospital have contributed to the ongoing work of the CDCC’s medical ministries; however the renovations are not complete yet. Wema hospital continues to renovate the most dilapidated units, many of which have not been renovated for over 50 years. Through a consultation with an engineer, the CDCC is being advised that it would be more ideal to build new facilities for the pediatric and internal medicine units. The CDCC has not made plans to begin new building projects at Wema Hospital at this time, but is setting priorities to continue renovating the existing structures.

wema3.jpgLooking forward, the CDCC plans to increase the number of beds and mattresses at the hospital, and continue and complete the renovations starting with the maternity, pediatric, and administrative offices. Other priorities in the upcoming years include purchasing new surgical equipment, which has not been replaced in many years, and to purchase more HIV/AIDS test kits.

Update: Health Priority Projects

July 2018

Mondombe Hospital is a church-related hospital of the Community of Disciples of Christ in the Congo (CDCC), which provides healthcare services for a region of approximately 114,000 people. The hospital is comprised of four wings: Maternity, Pediatrics, Surgery, and a Laboratory. On average each month, the Mondombe Hospital serves 390 patients, performs 50 childbirths, 30 surgeries, and 80 overnight hospitalizations. Currently, there are 76 staff members of the hospital, including four doctors.

In 2017, the CDCC medical staff members shared their priorities for the upcoming year to continue updating the hospital and services to the community. These priorities included increasing the amount of medicine available to treat patients, increasing the number of beds to meet their current patient population, updating medical equipment, and multiple improvements to make to the infrastructure.

The CDCC shares that through gifts from Global Ministries in addition to local support, the Mondombe Hospital has purchased 25 new mattresses and beds and new medicine. Before the mattresses and bed frames arrived, many patients were lying on the floor during their hospital stay, but now there are more bed available to serve their patients.

The CDCC medical staff members of Mondombe Hospital share their priorities for the upcoming years. These priorities include:

  • $700 for the purchase of appendectomy surgical supplies
  • $800 for the purchase of Caesarean surgical supplies
  • $2,250 for the purchase of general surgical supplies, including sterilization equipment
  • $500 for the cost of transporting these materials to the remote area of Mondombe

In addition to these purchases, the staff members of Mondombe have identified renovations of the Maternity ward as another priority for the hospital. The CDCC estimates these renovations will total $4,200. Global Ministries thanks all who support the medical work at Mondombe Hospital, and welcomes new gifts for the CDCC’s Mondombe Hospital.

Update: Wema Hospital

Wema Hospital continues to place a priority on renovating the different wings of the hospital. Since the last update on Wema Hospital, renovations in the administrative wing and the maternity wing have been made. The renovations at the hospital are not finished, and currently, the priority is to complete the pediatric wing.

Plans to renovate the Pediatric Wing of Wema Hospital
The CDCC estimates the remaining costs of renovations to the pediatric wing total $10,900.

wema2018.jpgAn estimate of costs for the renovation of the pediatric wing include

Cement- $1,930
Window- $1,400
Sheet metal- $2,240
Boards- $1,100
Paint (300 liters)- $1,500
Nails- $230
Iron bars- $660
Transportation- $1,400
Additional fees- $440
Total- $10,900


Additional funding priorities for Wema Hospital include
Beds, one bed is $200
Mattresses, one mattress is $65
Surgical equipment sets, one set is $850
HIV/AIDS testing equipment, one shipment of HIV/AIDS tests is approximately $750

Global Ministries welcomes gifts for the Community of Disciples of Christ in the Congo for Wema Hospital.

Update: Bolenge Hospital
September 2018

The Community of Disciples of Christ shares the next phase of expansion includes the construction of an internal disease wing for adults, a dental wing, and an ophthalmology wing. Right now, the CDCC does not have a dental facility, in spite of a big need for these services.

bolengeseptember2018.jpgAn estimate of costs for the construction of these new units at Bolenge Hospital include

Preparing the land- $1,450
Laying the foundation- $10,800
Walls- $15,200
Roof- $12,050
Wood and metal carpentry- $6,650
-Including metal doors and locking windows
Tile- $8,000
Painting- $4,650
Exterior Landscaping- $500
Administration and reporting- $3,850
Total- $68,000

Global Ministries welcomes gifts for the Community of Disciples of Christ in the Congo for Bolenge Hospital.

Update: Bolenge Hospital
November 2018

The Community of Disciples of Christ in the Congo shares in their most recent update on the Bolenge Hospital that they have focused funds and attention on sustainability for basic hospital needs. They report that they are improving patient comfort and accesses to much-needed medicines. The Bolenge hospital happily reported that they were able to buy five new beds and mattresses and had them delivered to the hospital, which cost around $1,600. They also were able to purchase many needed medications which were in limited supply in the region. These cost about $5,800. In addition to this, they were able to purchase supplies for their laboratory. The Hospital reported that they are serving patients from the regions of Bolenge, Bikoro, and Mbandaka. Global Ministries welcomes gifts for the Community of Disciples of Christ in the Congo for Bolenge Hospital.

Update: May 2019

The Community of Disciples of Christ in the Congo (CDCC) oversees five hospitals in some of the most rural areas of the country. Each hospital provides a range of healthcare services and offers specialty care options for the nearby communities. In 2018, the CDCC shared their priorities for several of the hospitals for critical renovations to continue their health ministries. For Bolenge Hospital, the CDCC is prioritizing the construction of an internal disease wing for adults, a dental wing, and an ophthalmology wing. For Wema Hospital, the CDCC is prioritizing the renovation of their pediatric wing. In Mondombe. At Mondombe Hospital, the CDCC is prioritizing the renovation of their maternity wing.

healthcdcc.jpgIn the last year, the CDCC has provided a supply of medication for each of the CDCC’s five hospitals. Additionally, the priorities shared with Global Ministries for renovations at each location continue to be the priorities for each hospital. However, due to the amount of travel for the CDCC Health Department staff in the last 12-months, including the ongoing response to the Ebola outbreak, the CDCC has not embarked on renovations at the three hospitals. Global Ministries thanks all who support the health priorities of the CDCC, and continues to welcome new gifts for the CDCC’s health priorities.

Update: Bolenge Hospital

June 2019

Last year, the Community of Disciples of Christ in the Congo (CDCC) shared plans to construct a dental unit at Bolenge Hospital. Recently, the CDCC has shared photos and news that the construction of the new dental unit at Bolenge Hospital has begun. Global Ministries is grateful for the special gifts received for this newest addition to Bolenge Hospital and for the many ministries of the CDCC in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.



Update: Wema Hospital

June 2020

In a recent video, the CDCC shares the progress made for constructing the new Pediatric Wing at Wema Hospital. The wing has been built, and the CDCC continues to prioritize the purchase of beds, mattresses, and medical equipment to furnish the wing. Watch the new video here:

Update: Health Priority Projects 

June 2020

Responding to COVID-19
In a recent video update, Dr. Bosolo, Head of the CDCC Health Department, shares how the CDCC is providing public health guidance on how to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 and preparing to treat patients with COVID-19.

Responding to new outbreak of Ebola in Mbandaka
congocdcc.jpgWhile Congolese churches (including the Community of Disciples of Christ in the Congo CDCC), non-governmental organizations, and the government were focusing on the prevention of COVID-19 in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, a new outbreak of Ebola virus arrived in Mbandaka. This is the 11th Ebola epidemic that the Democratic Republic of the Congo has experienced since the first outbreak in 1976. In 2018, a serious outbreak of Ebola claimed the lives of over 2,280 victims in the Mbandaka area.

The epicenter of this epidemic in Mbandaka is an area called “Air-Congo”, located in the eastern part of the city, not far from the airport. The illness has spread very quickly due to the first sick victims, along with their caregivers, family and friends not knowing that the diagnosis was Ebola. The first laboratory test to reveal the patients were suffering from Ebola was confirmed on Monday, June 1.

Among the reported victims, the CDCC again has been affected directly by the Ebola outbreak. The CDCC church district and headquarters in Mbandaka are mourning the loss of two young church leaders – the Youth President and the Youth Ministry Secretary of the Air-Congo Parish. Two other individuals from the CDCC who have confirmed cases of Ebola are members of the New City (Nouvelle-cité) Parish. It is uncertain the total number of Ebola cases currently in Mbandaka, but families in the region fear it will be a difficult road ahead.

The Wangata General Hospital is the main receiving point for patients with Ebola. As of this moment, seven individuals have died, four patients are quarantined, and a new entrance to the hospital was set up to receive patients in an isolated setting. The CDCC also is responding to the situation and expects the epidemic will result soon in overflowing in all hospitals. On Thursday, June 4, the CDCC Management Committee met and identified areas for the church to act. The first plans include:

  1. The providing of personal protection gear for medical staff and increased sanitation of the Mbandaka and Bolenge health facilities;
  2. Increased support in first response medications;
  3. A public health campaign for the wider community to encourage increased personal hygiene and hand-washing. The CDCC is using radio and other communications to spread this message in the territories of Bikoro, which has current cases of Ebola, Lukolela, Bomongo, Ingende, Bolomba, Basankusu, and the Province of Tshuapa (Boende).

The CDCC is working to both prevent and respond to health care needs of patients with Ebola in Mbandaka and recognizes the economic and public health challenges this new outbreak will bring.

Update: March 2021

Mondombe Hospital
Mondombe Hospital is a church-related general hospital of the Community of Disciples of Christ in the Congo (CDCC), providing care for an area of over 135,000 people. The hospital is comprised of four wings: Maternity, Pediatrics, Surgery, and a Laboratory.

In 2020, on average each month, the Mondombe Hospital worked with 171 patients in the hospital, including 23 childbirths, 48 surgeries, and 64 overnight hospitalizations. Currently, there are 68 staff members of the hospital, including four doctors.

The CDCC medical staff members of Mondombe Hospital share their priorities for the upcoming years. These priorities include purchasing new equipment for the surgical and maternity wings, generate electricity by using solar energy, and to continue renovations on the maternity and pediatric wings.

  • $2,700 for surgical equipment
  • $2,000 for equipment for childbirths
  • $6,000 for solar energy project at the hospital

Bolenge Hospital
The CDCC continues construction on the new Dental Unit at Bolenge Hospital. Several recent pictures were taken of the current progress to complete this unit.

Update: July 2021
Wema Hospital

The Community of Disciples of Christ in the Congo shares pictures of the recent renovations at Wema Hospital on the maternity wing.

Update: July 2021
Bolenge Hospital

The Community Disciples of Christ shares recent photos on the progress of constructing the Dental Wing of Bolenge Hospital.

Update: May 2022

Health Priorities

For many years, with support through Global Ministries, the Community of Disciples of Christ in the Congo (CDCC) has been providing stipends for physicians working in CDCC hospitals. Typically, in the Democratic Republic of Congo, physician salaries are paid through the government, however, these salaries are lower for hospitals in rural areas (where CDCC hospitals are located), making these positions less attractive to physicians. In the last year, the CDCC has provided stipends for above and beyond their government salaries to incentivize 11 medical doctors to continue working in CDCC hospitals. Support through Global Ministries for the CDCC health priority projects has also increased administrative offices for better record keeping and communications.

Bolenge Hospital

The CDCC continues progress on building a dental clinic at Bolenge Hospital. In the past several months, the CDCC has installed three metal doors, ten metal windows, support columns inside, indoor walls and floors, and the roof. They also have started paving the area around the clinic. Here are photos of the most recent progress. The next steps for construction will include painting the inside walls, adding an indoor ceiling, plastering the outside, running electricity through the clinic, and furnishing the clinic with equipment.

Update: December 2022

Mondombe Hospital

With thanks to special gifts received this past year, the CDCC has been able to purchase new equipment such as: an ultrasound machine, three types of rapid tests for diagnosis, 10 new beds and mattresses, a laparotomy kit, two delivery/birthing sets, and two small surgical sets.

To the right are pictures of CDCC doctors at Mondombe Hospital with the newly purchased ultrasound machine, and a picture of the beds and mattresses purchased this year.

Global Ministries thanks all who support the medical work at Mondombe Hospital of the Community of Disciples of Christ in the Congo.

Update: July 2023

For many years now, and with support through Global Ministries, the Community of Disciples of Christ in the Congo (CDCC) has been providing stipends for physicians working in CDCC hospitals. In the last year, the CDCC has provided stipends for above and beyond their government salaries to 13 medical doctors. This includes doctors working at the CDCC hospitals and clinics in Monieka, Lotumbe, Wema, Mondombe, Bosobele, and Bolenge. The CDCC shares these additional stipends have been a great motivation for maintaining medical staff in the rural hospitals.

Dental Clinic Construction at Bolenge Hospital

Global Ministries received new pictures on the progress of the construction of a Dental Clinic at Bolenge Hospital.

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  • 100% of your gift will be directed to Health Priority for the Disciples of Christ in Congo
  • You will receive updates on the work in this area as they become available
  • Share in the vision of God’s abundant life for all people

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