Report from the Ecumenical Christian Council of Guatemala (FEPAZ)
FEPAZ obtained its legal status as the Ecumenical Christian Council of Guatemala in 2007. Under its previous institutional names, the Council has maintained a presence and contributed to peace and reconciliation efforts since 1986. The purpose of the Council is to build and consolidate a space for ecumenical action among the main churches of Guatemala, supporting respect, dialogue, tolerance, and commitment to contributing to the peace, reconciliation, and democracy in Guatemala and the world, basing its works on the values and principles of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Report for 2007
FEPAZ obtained its legal status as the Ecumenical Christian Council of Guatemala in 2007. Under its previous institutional names, the Council has maintained a presence and contributed to peace and reconciliation efforts since 1986. The purpose of the Council is to build and consolidate a space for ecumenical action among the main churches of Guatemala, supporting respect, dialogue, tolerance, and commitment to contributing to the peace, reconciliation, and democracy in Guatemala and the world, basing its works on the values and principles of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
The Council is non-partisan to social or political movements. The Council maintains independent criterion and action, seeking only the common good and the promotion of Christian values. The current 2006-2010 strategic plan approaches important issues of the Guatemala national reality (violence, gangs, HIV/AIDS, process of peace, etc.), through the execution of research, using methods of social research, public forums, and advocacy. The project supported by Global Ministries is Advocacy for Ethical and Moral Promotion of Democratic Participation for a Culture of Peace in Guatemala. Over 5,000 members of the churches supporting FEPAZ (mainly in the Guatemalan departments of Chimaltenango, Quetzaltenango, Alta Verapaz, Huehuetenango, Peten, Zacapa, Jalapa, San Marcos, Izabal, and Guatemala City) benefited directly, and it is estimated that over 25,000 persons received indirect benefit by the efforts. The project addressed the following issues:
- The need for solidarity and promotion of an improved economy to help decrease social violence, extreme poverty, and discourage delinquency of minors.
- The need to contain, rescue, and readjust children and youth from gangs and violent lifestyles so they could have a chance to be part of a better future for Guatemala.
- The need to salvage and strengthen the governmental institutions by identifying and dismantling the groups that promote and support organized crime and unjust and corrupt electoral practices.
The Council printed 3,500 issues of Program for Values, a work written in coordination with the Office for Public Peace. This publication resulted from a research project investigating violence among children and youth and students at risk. Seven seminars and various conferences were held and were open to the public for promotion and study of the publication. These seminars and conferences were given mass promotion and were well received by the public. The seminars were repeated in various churches in smaller rural and remote communities.
In addition to working with children and youth, the Council sponsored public hearings and forums designed to collect public opinion on the current political condition of the country,
the need for a more ethical and transparent election process, and the call for the naming of a government Minister for Human Rights. Several breakfasts were sponsored for the press to make public the results of these hearings and forums.
Ecumenical worship services were held to commemorate the victims of the civil war, which ended about ten years ago. Families of the victims were part of the services. Other worship services were held for prayer for national reconciliation, public firearm controls, and women’s empowerment in the church and society.
The Council wishes to thank Global Ministries and its supporters for the generosity it has had with FEPAZ during the past and prior years. It is hoped that through the work of the Council a witness for justice and peace will continue to be present among the people of Guatemala.