Pray with Ghana, August 22, 2021

Pray with Ghana, August 22, 2021

Lectionary Selection:  Psalm 84

Prayers for Ghana  

Happy are we, O Lord, to acknowledge your presence. This day we stand in your courtyard as we praise you and thank you for our sisters and brothers in Ghana. Through the threat of Covid-19, the people of Ghana have remained faithful. We give thanks for their steadfastness and your faithfulness to them.

We pray, too, for the students and faculty of the Evangelical Presbyterian Seminary. Lord of heavenly forces, help us to walk together as they walk, with integrity with you. Amen

Mission Stewardship Moment from Ghana:

“How lovely is your dwelling place…” These words of the psalmist to describe the house of the Lord could be shared by Debbie and me. The Peki Valley where we make our home is lush. It is a joy to look upon the green hills and clear azure sky each morning. The people of Ghana are the most hospitable we have ever met.  The students, with whom I have been engaged, are thirsty for knowledge and eager to act upon their call to serve and spread the Good News in communities throughout Ghana and Togo.

As around the world, Covid-19 has interrupted the lives of everyone. The Ghanaian people, however, are resilient and the government has been one of the most proactive on the African continent. Truly the people of Ghana have placed their strength in the Lord. Together they are pilgrims joined in heart.

Prayer and Mission Moment by Larry Colvin

Mission Partners in Ghana:

More about Ghana:

Global Ministries Mission Co-worker in Ghana:
Larry Colvin serves with the Evangelical Presbyterian Church, Ghana. His appointment is made possible by your gifts to Disciples Mission Fund, Our Church’s Wider Mission, OGHS, and your special gifts.
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