Pray with the Philippines, July 4, 2021

Pray with the Philippines, July 4, 2021

Lectionary Selection:  Mark 6:1-13

Prayers for the Philippines  

In the name of Christ our Messiah,

We are sent out as your disciples to do more than just proclaim the good news. But to root out injustice, fight for equality, and dismantle those systems that would limit us from fully experiencing your love. Help our preaching and ministry to be true to the table turning, world altering mission of your presence. Be our guide in the healing our world continues to need as we move forward through this health crisis.

We are especially aware of the injustices that face our siblings throughout the Philippines. We call for a stop on the extra-judicial killings. We call for a stop on the targeting of pastors and activists. We will always stand by the Church’s ministry and mission.

We pray for Peace.
We resist any act of injustice.
We are the church.

Mission Stewardship Moment from the Philippines

Unfortunately, a global health crisis that has wreaked havoc and devastation upon the world has not paused the terrible acts of violence and aggression throughout the Philippines. The nature of our modern world is that we are interconnected. Loving your neighbor is both local and global because ultimately we have a messy, beautiful, connected relationship. When we can see that acts of injustice against any of our siblings affect us all – we then have the chance to experience the power of God’s love as a globally connected body. Trusting in solidarity and collective action to make the kingdom a lived reality. Our partner the United Church of Christ in the Philippines calls on us to stand side by side with them in proclaiming the prophetic ministry of Jesus Christ. Not allowing for a status quo of violence and fear limit the power of God’s mission.

Prayer and Mission Moment by Andrew Larsen

Mission Partners in the Philippines

More about the Philippines

Global Ministries Mission Co-worker in the Philippines
Andrew Larsen serves with the United Church of Christ in the Philippines. His appointment is made possible by your gifts to Disciples Mission Fund, Our Church’s Wider Mission, and your special gifts. Make a gift that supports the work of Andrew Larsen