Pray with the Republic of Congo, May 5, 2024

Pray with the Republic of Congo, May 5, 2024

Lectionary Selection: John 15:9-17

Prayers for the Republic of Congo

O God of love and fidelity,

You send us as Disciples to care for one another, live the Gospel, and dwell in hope.

We are infinitely grateful to you for this beautiful country, the Republic of Congo, for its biodiversity, its wealth, and its people.

Receive our prayer and supplication for:

  • All our brothers and sisters who are sick, isolated, persecuted, and battered by life;
  • All unloved, abandoned, exploited, and starving children;
  • All the men and women in authority in our country, instill in them your love and wisdom so that the decisions they make are dictated by love, justice, and fairness and not by partisan considerations;

In every country of the world, inspire men and women of peace, dialogue, justice, and tolerance.

For the Disciples Church in the Congo, may the love of Christ be the concrete model and reference that underpins our community.

Make us, Lord, attentive to the cries of those whose most basic rights are being trampled underfoot and allow that one day, your law of love may be the only law observed in our country and throughout the world.


Mission Moment from the Republic of Congo

Poverty, unemployment, and the limited practical skills for self-sustainability and fulfillment are the primary reasons that drive young people, young mothers, and widows into practices such as banditry, theft, debauchery, and prostitution in our country. As a Church committed to sharing the gospel through teaching, healing, training, and addressing socio-economic issues in the country, the Church of the Disciples of Christ in Congo, through training and orientation projects supported by Global Ministries, organizes training sessions in trades that enable and promote the integration of beneficiaries into society. Additionally, we provide professional development opportunities for church leaders. These include project writing and management, agricultural techniques, and English language proficiency.

Our first Development Training session in project writing and management was held in Brazzaville. The session aimed to equip church leaders with the knowledge and skills to write and manage projects. It centered around four (4) areas of focus:

  1. Proposals for projects   
  2. Writing
  3. Project Management
  4. Sustainability for the Church

Other development and training opportunities include the following:

Agriculture Techniques: Various trainings in agricultural techniques have been organized in Liranga, Pointe-Noire, Loukolela, and Impfondo in various ecclesiastical posts. This enabled the beneficiaries to increase their agricultural yields. Unfortunately, they did not experience a harvest as planned due to recent flooding in the region.

Church Priorities: Given that the training of young theologians and the development of the church remain priorities, we currently have a student in his third year of studies at the Université Protestante de Brazzaville and a young man who was trained in the English language in Kenya. His advanced English language skills have been very beneficial for the Church.

Learned Professions: Two sewing training centers have been opened, one in Brazzaville and the other in Liranga. Sessions are organized in groups. The interested population is mainly young mothers and widows. The main aim is to extend the project to the remaining ecclesiastical posts and add more sewing machines.

We have received messages of gratitude from the families of medical students in Kinshasa, Jemima Mpetsi Bakaa at “Université Simon Kimbangu” and Naomie Bobo Bongonde at “Université Libre du Congo”). They express their gratitude to the Church and Global Ministries for the support they consider essential, as without it, it would have been difficult for them to study these past two years. As children of the church, they wish to be actors in the development of the community’s health sector by putting the knowledge they are acquiring to good use.

May the Lord reward all those who spare no effort to show their love and care for people they don’t know. it’s the greatest proof of love and compassion.

We express our gratitude to Global Ministries for its immense support and commitment to the cause of Christ. May the Lord bless the organization, its leaders, and all those involved in making it happen.

Brother Bolivard Mokondzi Mobe, Chairman of the Board of Directors,
Disciples of Christ Church of the Congo

Mission Partners in the Republic of Congo

More about the Republic of Congo

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