Pray for Honduras on Sunday, June 11, 2017

Pray for Honduras on Sunday, June 11, 2017

Honduras_2017_Maryjane_Westra.jpegLectionary Selection: Matthew 28:16-20

Prayers for Honduras:

O God of Truth and Love, hold up the people of Honduras in their struggle for justice in a world of impunity. Embolden us as together we seek solutions to difficult problems. Hold us together in your arms as we seek safety in a scary world. Your love is not constrained by geographic location or language. Your wisdom is not limited by skin color or economic barriers. Help us, we ask, to follow your son’s example in his ministry of care and inclusivity. Though we tire, though we stumble, though we doubt, walk with us, O God, as we walk, run and sometimes skip alongside our neighbors in Honduras. In Jesus’ name we ask it, Amen. 


Honduras_2017_Maryjane_Westra_5.jpegMission Stewardship Moment from Honduras:

Honduras is a country troubled by corruption, violence, poverty and gang activity. Sixty percent the population live in poverty with 18% living in extreme poverty earning less than $1.25 per day. Honduras is the second poorest nation in this hemisphere. The murder rate is highest in the world; more than twice that of surrounding countries, six times more than Chicago. The United States has been complicit in much of the unrest, first by exploiting the minerals, labor, and land and more recently by deporting large numbers of M-13 gang members from California prisons and turning a blind eye to political unrest. Yet, Hondurans retain their love of God, love of family, and their deep sense of national pride. Most importantly they retain their resiliency and sense of hope for the future. 

It is common for youth in Honduras to dream of emigrating to the United States. Richardo, a student I know, told me he was planning to ride his bicycle to the United States. Hondurans leave their country seeking jobs and opportunity. They leave to escape gangs and violence. Honduras_2017_Maryjane_Westra_3.jpegThey are not deterred by a border wall. Emigration breaks up families, leaving children and older parents without support. The best way to prevent immigration is to create opportunity and provide safety and within their home country.  Global Ministries’ partners in Honduras, Christian Commission on Development and the Evangelical and Reformed Church of Honduras, are working to improve education, training and opportunity to youth. The partners operate high quality high schools and technical colleges throughout Honduras, targeting under privileged youth. CEVER, where Don and I worked, was one of the leading technical schools in the nation in 2016. 

Working alongside the people in Honduras has been a privilege and honor. There is so much to love and so much to learn if you go with a sense of discipleship and an open heart. The work focuses on a strengths-based perspective of sharing ideas, respecting differences and working in solidarity toward solutions.

Prayer and Mission Moment by Maryjane Westra

Mission Partners in Honduras:

More information on Honduras

Global Ministries Missionary in Honduras:
Maryjane Westra serves with the Asociacion de Instituciones Evangelicas de Honduras (CEVER/AIEH) in Honduras. Her appointment is made possible by your gifts to Disciples Mission Fund, Our Churches Wider Mission, and your special gifts.

