Pray for Lesotho on Sunday, May 18, 2014
Lectionary Selection: Acts 7:55–60
Prayers for Lesotho:
Dear God,
This day we lift up in prayer our partner church in Lesotho, the Lesotho Evangelical Church in Southern Africa (LECSA). We give thanks for their past 50 years of ministry since “coming of age” under Basotho leadership in 1964 after being nurtured by the Paris Evangelical Missionary Society since 1833. We pray for strong leaders who can lead the LECSA forward in the next 50 years, leaders who will have the courage to stand firm in faith with a willing spirit of forgiveness even in the face of persecution. We pray also that more men and women will hear Your call to serve in pastoral ministry among the Basotho people. We ask for your special blessing upon:
- Rev. Nelson Posholi, who this month begins serving as the LECSA Executive Secretary. May he be guided in his service with wisdom and understanding.
- Rev. Gilbert Ramatlapeng, who returns to parish ministry after serving as the LECSA Executive Secretary for the past four years.
Rev. Simeon Masemene as he continues serving as Moderator of the LECSA.
We ask these prayers in the name of Jesus. Amen.
Mission Stewardship Moment from Lesotho:
Pastoral ministry is of vital importance in nurturing the next generation of followers of Christ. Educating future pastors and evangelists in the Lesotho Evangelical Church of Southern Africa (LECSA) takes place at Morija Theological School. According to the school’s Director, Rev. Bernard Kometsi, one of the problems faced by the institution has been the scarcity of textbooks. Thanks to support from Global Ministries over the past two years, the school has been able to add significantly to its supply and also purchase books for the library. Although the school is relatively small, with anywhere from 30-50 students enrolled at a time, books are expensive and often not available even in neighboring South Africa. At the front of the school’s chapel are the words from Romans 11:14, “How can they hear without someone preaching to them?” In a similar vein, one could say, “How can seminarians study without books?” When you support the work of Global Ministries, your gifts do make a difference! Thank you!
(Prayer and Mission Moment by Mark Behle)
Mission Partners in Lesotho:
More information on Lesotho:
Global Ministries Missionary in Lesotho:
Mark Behle serves with the Lesotho Evangelical Church in Southern Africa and works in their planning office. He is working to identify development projects, assist the church in preparing project proposals and coordinating project implementation. He also works with the denomination’s Planning Commission.