Pray with Ecuador Sunday, July 28, 2019

Pray with Ecuador Sunday, July 28, 2019

Ecuador_Marilyn_Cooper_IMG_4587.jpegLectionary Selection: Luke 11:1-13

Prayers for Ecuador:  

Thanks God, that you have shown us how to pray. Thanks that we may ask of You and it will be given; that we may seek and we will find; that we may knock and the door will be opened. Your Holy Spirit comes to us in many ways including in our work on your behalf.  

Oh Lord, we ask that the Holy Spirit thrives in us. Help us in FEDICE to encounter those most in need. Guide us to ensure those who seek are formed into a union that helps the whole community flourish. Continue to encourage us to make a difference in the lives of those in Ecuador and those who come from other places to meet the people of Ecuador on your behalf.

Ecuador_Marilyn_Cooper_IMG_4598.jpegThank you, dear Lord, for our work on behalf of the people of Ecuador, for those who support FEDICE, and for Global Ministries who touches so many throughout the world.  Amen.

Mission Stewardship Moment from Ecuador:

FEDICE recently worked with a group of youth from a Disciples church in Kansas City. They helped with a preschool dining room in an indigenous community called Tocagon in Ecuador. The community and the young people came together in minga: That’s working together. The 40 preschool children at the school now have a more beautiful place in which to eat thanks to this mission group.

Ecuador_Marilyn_Cooper_IMG_4629.jpegMany never know what kind of impact opportunities make on the lives of others. We hope the impact is positive, but we usually do not know. Any change that is instigated is often manifest at a time in the future.

So I wonder, what thoughts, dreams, realizations, will the 15 youth participants have that may change their directions in life or solidify where they are already heading. They played with the charming little children. They interacted with the community’s leaders. But they also drove through areas without good roads, with half-built houses, with mud huts occupied by families. Did they see the older women without shoes? The children with dirty clothes? The vendors sitting and selling clothing and crafts all day for a pittance?

Ecuador_Marilyn_Cooper_IMG_4677.jpegFEDICE does more than just bring mission groups to Ecuador. We also help organize mainly women and their communities, showing them how to raise healthier animals, to grow more food, to create cooperativas or loaning institutions, all of which can bring more money into households resulting in better nutrition, in the ability to better their children’s lives through education, and in increasing self-esteem.

Thank you to our supporters and Global Ministries for helping FEDICE make a difference in this world. 

Prayer and Mission Moment by Marilyn Cooper

Mission Partners in Ecuador:

More information on Ecuador:

Global Ministries Mission Co-worker in Ecuador:
Marilyn Cooper serves with FEDICE in Ecuador. Her appointment is made possible by your gifts to Disciples Mission Fund, Our Church’s Wider Mission, and your special gifts.