Pray with Ghana Sunday, September 27, 2020

Pray with Ghana Sunday, September 27, 2020

Ghana_Larry_Colvin_image004.pngLectionary Selection:  Exodus 17:1-7

Prayers for Ghana:  

As we offer our gifts to you, O God, remind us that they are but gifts you have provided to us for our daily needs. Often we grumble, particularly in this time of Covid-19 that has brought us to a wilderness full of questions and concerns. Yet, you remain among us, faithful and plentiful.

We remember those who heard your call to leave homes and comfort behind to journey to a land we now call Ghana. There they encountered hardships but in the Peki Valley, you led them to water. Here your Word flourished as living water to those who came seeking and asking to quench their thirst. 

Ghana_Larry_Colvin_image001.pngAs we return our gifts, with thanksgiving, we also offer our prayers of thanks for those who continue to prepare new generations for ministry.  May they bring the Word of living waters to the cities and villages of Ghana.  Amen

Mission Stewardship Moment from Ghana:

Water. It is a necessity for life. After many years of enduring disease and death, God led a small but faithful group of Christians to the Peki Valley. The valley afforded an abundant supply of fresh clean water for drinking and also plentiful rains for growing crops and fruit trees. So it was here, in 1864, they established the Evangelical Presbyterian Seminary.

Ghana_Larry_Colvin_image002.pngOne hundred and fifty-six years later that seminary continues to flourish in the greens hills of the Peki Valley and is led by succeeding generations of alumni/ae. The student population is made up of men and women from Ghana, Togo, and Corte D’ Ivorie. Although all classes and worship are held in English, around the campus and in many of the songs can be heard French, Ewe, Twi, and Ga. Each succeeding generation is given the preparation needed to serve cities and villages across these three countries and beyond as pastors, lay-leaders, and through the ministry of music.

Prayer and Mission Moment by Larry Colvin

Mission Partners in Ghana:

More information on Ghana

Global Ministries Mission Co-worker in Ghana:
Larry Colvin serves with the Evangelical Presbyterian Church, Ghana. His appointment is made possible by your gifts to Disciples Mission Fund, Our Church’s Wider Mission, OGHS, and your special gifts.

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