Pray with Korea, January 3, 2021

Pray with Korea, January 3, 2021

Korea_Thomas_Smith_PXL_20201217_072514097.jpgLectionary Selection:  John 1:10-18

Prayers for Korea:  

Oh charitable and merciful God,

In this season, we give thanks for Your Son, whom we call Immanuel. He who would reunify us with you. He that has always been. He that was the Word. He was born as the Messiah, a Savior of mankind. He came to save us from our own flawed nature, redeem us for our transgressions, and to interconnect us with the Holy Spirit.

During the Christmas season, we celebrate the birth of your child. Likewise, we celebrate the precious gifts and future that come with the next generation of humanity. Please aid us in cherishing and teaching them as You would have us – in love and faith.

Korea_Thomas_Smith_PXL_20201217_084525056.jpgIn Korea, we pray for a peaceful reunification of the peninsula in which all are free from oppression and repression. We pray that the English language program at Yang Mu Ri Presbyterian Church continues to provide financial opportunities and bright horizons that might be otherwise limited. Finally, please continue to keep us safe from Covid-19 and help us continue to weather this storm successfully to the end.

In the name of the Holy Trinity, we pray. Amen

Mission Stewardship Moment from Korea:


The Late Afternoon and Early Evening

My day usually starts at two o’clock in the afternoon, which is when I usually wake up. After rolling (or falling) out of bed, taking a shower, grabbing a quick breakfast, and brushing my teeth, I am out the door and head across the parking lot and up the stairs, greeted by everyone along the way. Once in the door, I am met with a barrage of “Hello Thomas Teacher,” or “Hi Thomas Teacher!” followed by children running up for high fives, except in the case of little Martha who jumps up and down and finishes with a big hug. Next, I program the sound panel, set the stage how I like it, write the subject on the board, and take attendance. I then go to the board and write a sentence and tell them to copy it and label the types of words. In four months, I have nine-year-old Korean students identifying subjects, objects, verbs, prepositions, adverbs, adjectives, conjunctions, contractions, and articles in English.

This has been a challenge for everyone involved. I am forced to think very creatively in coming up with effective lessons. It is very difficult for my students and me to communicate and I try to keep it fun. When my children were assessed and had markedly improved since I began teaching here almost a year ago, it was the most accomplished and impactful I’ve ever felt.

Prayer and Mission Moment by Thomas Smith

Mission Partners in Korea:

More about Korea:

Global Ministries Mission Co-worker in Korea:
Thomas Smith IV serves with the Presbyterian Church in the Republic of Korea (PROK). His appointment is made possible by your gifts to Disciples Mission Fund, Our Church’s Wider Mission, WOC, and your special gifts.