Pray with Mexico Sunday, June 30, 2019

Pray with Mexico Sunday, June 30, 2019

mexico_Cindy_Moraga_Capacitacion.jpegLectionary Selection:  Luke 9:51-62

Prayers for Mexico:  

God the Father and Mother, you show us your love in the life and wisdom of Jesus. Teach us to follow you in your solidarity with the poorest and most marginalized in this world.

In solidarity with those who suffer because of injustices.

In respect for the dignity of every human being and of all creation.

In your calling to share resources with those most in need. 
In your love for all people without conditions. 

We hear your call to be your disciples.

We are committed to serving you by following the example of your life. 
We commit ourselves to honestly confronting our selfishness. 
We commit ourselves to deny ourselves, to take the cross and follow you. 
We commit ourselves to be guided by your Spirit to bear witness to your Kingdom of righteousness and life.


mexico_cindy_moraga_Capacitacion_II.jpegMission Stewardship Moment from Mexico:

In the midst of so much conflict and hopelessness, the Gospel invites us to reaffirm our call and commitment to follow Jesus. In Luke 9:51 Jesus himself is faithful to his mission and “affirmed his face to go to Jerusalem.” Verses earlier (Luke 9:21-25) he had shared with his friends the implications of this journey and his fidelity to the kingdom of God. The implications of discipleship are reflected in three follow-up scenes (Luke 9:57-62) containing judgments of Jesus, seeking to generate a radical commitment to the proclamation of the gospel of the Kingdom.

The question that dominates this section of the Gospel of Luke (Luke 9: 51-13: 21 first stage of Jesus’ journey to Jerusalem) is: What are the characteristics of those who have decided to follow Jesus? In the three follow-up scenes we can find some clues to answer this question. Jesus has emphasized the paramount value of announcing the Kingdom of God beyond family ties or material dependencies. Jesus invites us to restructure our hierarchy of values and interests. To be disciples of Jesus is to live a profound conversion in order to become witnesses of the Kingdom of God.

From my experience, two years of mission in Mexico, this episode of the gospel is updated in the different actions carried out by the churches in favor of impoverished and marginalized groups and communities. From the Diploma of Pastoral Accompaniment and Chaplaincy, the Theological Community of Mexico (CTdeM) is promoting different initiatives that contribute to the well-being of vulnerable communities. Since the diploma course, projects focused on the restoration of the environment, health and nutrition of families, the fight against gender violence and public advocacy for the approval of policies that benefit communities are being implemented.

Without a doubt, the gospel and our increasingly complex contexts challenge us to assume a discipleship committed to the values ​​of the Kingdom: life, justice, grace and peace. This type of discipleship has involved some ruptures:

  1. With systems, structures or institutions that are not consistent with the values ​​of the Kingdom of God.
  2. With ideas and traditions that do not contribute to promoting a dignified and full life for all human beings and the diverse creation of God.
  3. With securities based on wealth, prestige, powers and personal or institutional interests.

It is important that as disciples and disciples of Jesus we feel challenged by the time and context that we have to live. The challenge allows us to see the difficulties and needs that need to be resolved and overcome. The call of Jesus as a challenge disturbs us, questions us and does not leave us alone. But it also announces the novelty of God as a promise. The gospel provokes us and invites us to renew it; it leads us to find new resources and riches in our Christian traditions.

May the divine wisdom transform us in such a way that we can re-invent ourselves and invent new answers. May his grace enlighten us to take into account the complex changes of our peoples and make visible the signs of his Kingdom here and now. Amen.

Prayer and Mission Moment by Cindy Moraga

Mission Partners in Mexico:

More information on Mexico:

Global Ministries Mission Co-worker in Mexico:
Cindy Moraga-Selva serves the Theological Community of Mexico (CTdeM). Her appointment is made possible by your gifts to Disciples Mission Fund, Our Church’s Wider Mission, and your special gifts.