Pray with Nicaragua on Sunday, September 2, 2018

Pray with Nicaragua on Sunday, September 2, 2018

2014–15_Nicaraguan_protests_-_23_December_2014.jpgLectionary Selection: Mark 7 :1-8, 14-15, 21-23

Prayers for Nicaragua:

Our God full of love, grace and mercy we thank You. Not only did You create humanity but You also prepared a place for us to live in harmony so that we can usher in the Kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven. You formed us magnificently with eyes to see in our own way the evidence of your presence with us; ears to hear your voice of guidance; a mouth to share the Good News of Jesus and a way to transport—by feet, cane, walker or wheel chair, the Good News to others. In that we are not presently living harmoniously, Lord we pray for courage to see, hear, speak and stand for justice—when it is challenged, peace—-in the midst of violence and equality—-for all creation when it is violated. We pray for the parents whose sons and daughters were murdered as they took a stand for justice. We pray for spiritual transformation on the inside of our government leaders. We pray for strength to stay steadfast on the journey. We pray that our country will soon live in harmony. We pray that The Kingdom of God on earth will prevail.   In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Mission Stewardship Moment from Nicaragua

When Jesus walked the earth presenting other options for understanding the Kingdom of God on earth (by way of God’s love, grace, mercy, justice and equality), those in leadership in the church as well as the government, did not agree nor did they want to change the status quo. Similar to Jesus’ ministry, our young sisters and brothers (college students) in Nicaragua have opened their ears, eyes, mouths and feet to promote change in their country. However, those in leadership in the churches (by being silent) as well as the government (by responding violently), do not want to change the status quo.

Mark 7:21-23 (NIV) says, For it is from within, out of a person’s [or governments] heart, that evil thoughts come—… theft, murder, … greed, malice, deceit, … slander, arrogance23 All these evils come from inside and defile a person [or governments].”

The results of a defiled person or a defiled government can physically, socially, and economically hurt and destroy a peoples livelihood.

Many students have been murdered because of their dreams of a just society and future. Because of this, the student are requesting that the government:

  • stop police brutality as they participate in an unarmed and peaceful protest for justice.
  • assure them that the police will not kill them, their families, anyone in their communities and others that support their right to protest.
  • stop calling them delinquents, criminals, gangs and other negative connotations; they are students.
  • stop the police from taking the food, water and donations given by supporters.
  • guarantee free press without repression and censorship
  • want a dialogue with the government that is public and inclusive
  • no police record to be processed by the police department for participating in the protest
  • police officials to be accountable for permitting violence and murder
  • use a legal process with the help of the International Court of Human Rights, to investigate who killed the students
  • provide funds needed to repair windows, doors, etc. of various universities during the protest.
  • want this government to leave office.

The protest began April 18, 2018 and so far there are over 400 deaths not including students that were kidnapped and those that have been injured.           

Please continue to pray for the strength and courage of our sisters and brothers of Nicaragua. Please pray for our young brothers and sisters as they march for The Kingdom of God on earth to be realized in their country as love, grace, mercy, justice, equality, and peace. Please pray for my strength as I walk with our partner through the shadow of darkness waiting for the Light.

A voice was heard in Ramah, wailing and loud lamentation, Rachel weeping for her children; she refused to be consoled, because they are no more. Matthew 2:18

(Prayer and Mission Moment by Jeanette Salley)

Mission Partners in Nicaragua:

More information on Nicaragua:

Global Ministries Mission Coworker in Nicaragua:
Jeanette Salley serves with the Moravian Church of Nicaragua. Her appointment is made possible by your gifts to Disciples Mission Fund, Our Churches Wider Mission, and your special gifts.