Second Inter-religious Conference on Article 9 of the Japanese Peace Constitution
The International Working Committee (IWC) of the Inter-religious Conference on Article 9 of the Japanese Peace Constitution warmly invites the Common Global Ministries Board of the UCC/CCDC to send one or more representatives to the Second Inter-religious Conference on Article 9 and Peace in East Asia which will be held November 30 to December 4, 2009 at Academy House, Seoul, Korea. The plan to hold the second conference this year was finalized at the follow-up meeting of the International Working Committee in October 2008. At the same meeting recommendations and proposals made by the first conference were re-examined and implemented.
The International Working Committee (IWC) of the Inter-religious Conference on Article 9 of the Japanese Peace Constitution warmly invited Global Ministries to send one or more representatives to the Second Inter-religious Conference on Article 9 and Peace in East Asia which will be held November 30 to December 4, 2009 at Academy House, Seoul, Korea. Xiaoling Zhu, GM area executive for East Asia and the Pacific, and Jeffrey Mensendiek, GM missionary serving in Japan, will be representing Global Ministries at this important peace initiative
The main objective of the Conference is to share and focus on the value of Article 9 of the Japanese Peace Constitution, and to discuss strategies to sharpen peace and justice advocacy in the region, based on the spirit of Article 9. The meeting also aims to highlight issues related to peace and reconciliation and integrate them into the mainstream agenda of the religious communities in Asia and the world. The Conference will encourage us to work towards building solidarity, enhancing perspectives, and initiating a proactive role as a faith-based community in building peace and justice in Asia.
Click here to review the Conference Agenda