The Link: “Wheels of Justice ” by UCC pastor Steven Jungkeit
At 6:45, on a brisk Sunday morning, Oct.16, 2016, 29 people gathered outside the First Congregational Church in Old Lyme, CT.
They packed their bags into three white vans, then listened as a tall man, wearing a Palestinian scarf, chanted a blessing in his Native American language, first facing East, then South, then West, then North..
Then the vans set off on a 3,000-plus-miles journey. Their purpose: to underscore the connection between the civil and human rights struggle of African Americans, Native Americans, and Palestinians living under Israeli occupation.
Reporting the scheduled events from Washington, DC to Memphis, TN is Steven Jungkeit, Senior Minister of Old Lyme’s Congregational Church and a faculty member at the Harvard Divinity School.
Click here to read the full issue of The Link, including this whole story.
[The Link, published on a bi-monthly basis, is Americans for Middle East Understanding’s primary education and information tool. Issues of The Link constitute a body of informed commentary, fact and anecdotal evidence that is all the more valuable for writers, researchers and historians because each issue (for the most part) covers only one subject.]