ACT Alliance responds to Turkey Earthquake

ACT Alliance responds to Turkey Earthquake

Major 7.2 earthquake rocked eastern Turkey 10/23/2011.

A major 7.2 earthquake rocked eastern Turkey on Sunday,
October 23.  First estimates project over
200,000 people are affected.  BBC news
reports some 265 people died
and 1,140 were injured, according to Interior Minister Idris Naim Sahin.

1,000 buildings have been destroyed in the disaster zone, with the town of
Ercis the worst hit.

Many impacted families live in remote villages.   ACT Alliance’s Turkish partner, Support to
Life, is concentrating its relief efforts on the rural regions.  In a first step, several thousand people are
being provided with food and shelter materials. 

Diakonie Katastrophenhilfe und Caritas international
kooperieren seit vielen Jahren mit “Support to Life”. Diakonie Katastrophenhilfe, ACT Alliance
member, has cooperated internationally
for many years with the organization “Support to Life.” Die Organisation hat große Erfahrung in der
Not- und Wiederaufbauhilfe nach schweren Erdbeben, wie im iranischen Bam im
Jahr 2003 sowie in Kaschmir in Pakistan im Jahr 2005. The organization
has extensive experience in emergency and reconstruction aid after severe
earthquakes, as in Bam, Iran in 2003, and in Kashmir in Pakistan in 2005.

United Church of Christ and Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) will support ACT Alliance relief efforts as well as any
which may be undertaken by Global Ministries partners. 


  • Pray for the people and communities in Turkey impacted by this

From Our Mission Personnel in Turkey

How do you respond to a 7.2 earthquake… (Ken and Betty Frank)