Update from the Lutheran Church in El Salvador

Update from the Lutheran Church in El Salvador

News from the Lutheran Church in El Salvador

The Lutheran Church of El Salvador began in the 1950s and today is a vibrant Central American Church. El Salvador is a country whose 12 year civil war claimed an estimated 75,000 lives, and speaking out in opposition to the government can be a serious crime. The church has long believed that service and advocacy on behalf of the poor are fundamental to the Church mission. The Lutheran Church of El Salvador is focusing attention on three basic human rights in the aftermath of the civil war and with ongoing human rights violations in El Salvador. The Truth, Justice, and Peace project is working for the people’s right to the truth, the right to justice, and the right to amends with regards to the events during the civil war and the continued torture, execution, and disappearance of people even today.

Amidst challenges of widespread inequality, national political strife, and emigration of Salvadorans to other countries in search of safety, the Lutheran Synod in El Salvador continues to organize “for Life and Peace”. In 2019, the Synod hosted a project meeting with pastors throughout the country to provide support and solidarity in the face of mounting violence. Community members were able to receive much needed repairs to their homes, as well as food support. The Office of the Bishop has a special focus on including young people who are susceptible to becoming victims of violence in the country. The Synod says, “we are constructing hope that is only given by the inspiring education of God’s word.” Families and pastors across El Salvador held meetings to strategize about how to continue their work for peace in their own neighborhoods, and throughout the country. Global Ministries asks for all to keep the Lutheran Synod, their work for peace, and all of their partners in prayer as the security situation in El Salvador continues to be exceptionally dangerous and challenging.

Additionally in 2020, the Lutheran Synod built a well in the town of Tepeagua in the Chalatenango Department of El Salvador. A 120-meter well was dug which provides enough water for the town residents for the foreseeable future.

The Lutheran Synod in El Salvador will continue to accompany communities across El Salvador in the many ways that represent the good news of Jesus Christ.

To read more about the Lutheran Synod in El Salvador click here