Webinar: Faith Community Responding to Crisis in Syria and Iraq

Webinar: Faith Community Responding to Crisis in Syria and Iraq

This webinar will ask, how can the faith community respond more fully, clearly, and effectively to the crisis in Syria and Iraq? We will discuss the regional dynamics such as the background, role of regional players, and key proposals. Then we will discuss the U.S. role in the crisis in terms of our strategic policy, the Authorization of the Use of Military Force (AUMF), and our impact on the region. Finally, we will propose one or two action items for the faith community to engage. There will be time for discussion from all participants.

Date: Friday, February 27, 2015
Time: 1:00-2 pm, Eastern Standard Time (New York)

Please note: The United Church of Christ and Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) continue to offer support for the work of many partners in the region to provide humanitarian response to the needs of Syrian refugees.  Please consider supporting the work of Global Ministries’ partners’ relief efforts in and around Syria.  You can do that through One Great Hour of Sharing (UCC), the Week of Compassion (Disciples), or through Global Ministries directly.


Main Speakers:

Raed Jarrar (*Born and lived in Iraq)
Policy Impact Coordinator
American Friends Service Committee

Elizabeth Beavers
Legislative Associate on Militarism and Civil Liberties
Friends Committee on National Legislation

Wardah Kalhid
Herbert Scoville Jr. Peace Fellow in Middle East Policy
Friends Committee on National Legislation

Marie Dennis
Pax Christi International

Eli McCarthy, PhD
Director of Justice and Peace
Conference of Major Superiors of Men

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