Yale Center for Faith and Culture announces new book on “A Common Word”
Yale Center for Faith and Culture announces new book on “A Common Word”
It is with great joy that I write to announce that our labors at the Yale Center for Faith and Culture have borne fruit in a recently published book, A Common Word: Muslims and Christians on Loving God and Neighbor. This book, edited by Prince Ghazi bin Muhammad, Melissa Yarrington, and myself, contains highlights from the proceedings of the Yale Common Word Conference. It also includes the Common Word letter and the Yale Response, both annotated with historical background and commentary from the authors to give the reader a deeper insight into how and why the letters were written.
I invite you to read selections from the book, which are available online. This collection stands as an excellent resource for both practitioners and academics alike who are interested in a greater understanding of Christian-Muslim relations.
“…the contributors of this book believe that an essential foundation to effective peacemaking consists precisely in Christians and Muslims intentionally drawing on the resources of their respective faiths and approaches to devotion to God.”
–from the preface
*Dr. Miroslav Wolf is Director of the Yale Center for Faith and Culture and Henry B. Wright Professor of Systematic Theology.