Pray with Mexico, April 10, 2022

Lectionary Selection: Luke 19:28-40
Prayers for Mexico
Good God, who guided your son, Jesus, upon entering Jerusalem on the path that would take him to Calvary, guide us in following behind him. We know that we have not fully understood what it means to trail in the steps our Lord who rides a donkey colt, but we know his kingdom is not only to come but is also here now. Perhaps that kingdom will not turn out to be what we want or hope for, but we walk in faith, knowing that, even though his way may not be safe and might even tear us from our comforts, it will be good. Illuminate our understanding and encourage our hearts so that, as we face fear and uncertainty on the road behind Jesus, we might joyfully join that multitude that clamors for the reign of the Anointed One. Here in southern Mexico, where the road we share with migrants, traffickers, military personnel, school children, subsistence farmers, and other travelers is dusty with pain, suffering, and confusion, may we faithfully follow, walking in the certainty and trust that your kingdom has come to us…here on the way.
(Prayer by Pastor Martín Guerrero, director of the Institute for Intercultural Studies and Research, Global Ministries partner in San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico, translated and adapted by Elena Huegel)

Mission Stewardship Moment from Mexico
The pastors and their spouses gathered for a three-day retreat led by Pastor Martin Guerrero of the Institute for Intercultural Studies and Research in Chiapas, southern Mexico after two years of uncertainty, loss, and pain. As a Global Ministries mission co-worker at the Institute, I was asked to facilitate conversations around the topics of compassion fatigue, grief processes, hope, and resilience tutors. According to author Boris Cyrulnik, a resilience tutor is a person who accompanies us in an unconditional way, becoming a buttress, bolstering trust and independence alike. Like a post that is loosely attached to a seedling, the resilience tutor guides and promotes growth, allowing space for healthy development. When the seedling doesn´t need the post anymore, it is removed. Not only people are resilience tutors; a hymn, Bible verse, ritual, movie, activity, book, or any other image or word that we choose to be meaningful specifically to us as individuals or groups can remind us over and over again of our strengths and joys. These reminders live on in our imaginations, filling us with fortitude and perseverance. I asked the participants to meditate on their resilience tutors during the pandemic, in the midst of their grief. Then I also invited them to think about their roles as resilience tutors, and how they foster dignity, hope, independence, and interdependence with the individuals and the communities of faith where they serve. Finally, each participant wrote a letter thanking either someone who had accompanied them during these challenging times, or who had granted them the privilege of “companioning.” (See Dr. Alan Wolfelt and his many insightful materials on companioning.) Gratitude is an important pillar for resilience.

In the same way, I invite you who are reading this mission meditation to pause and consider:
- Who has been your resilience tutor in these challenging times?
- Who has chosen you as their resilience tutor?
- Write a letter either thanking your resilience tutor or that person whom you have had the opportunity to accompany. Read your letter out loud to the recipient of your gratitude.
Prayer and Mission Moment by Elena Huegel
Mission Partners in Mexico:
- Confraternity of Evangelical Christian Churches (Disciples of Christ) (CICE)
- Congregational Christian Churches of Mexico
- Disciples of Christ Church in Mexico (IDCM)
- Institute for Intercultural Study and Research (INESIN)
- Las Memorias Hostel
- Melel Xojobal
- Mexican Roundtable
- International Service for Peace (SIPAZ)
- Southwest Good Samaritan Ministries
- Theological Community of Mexico (TCM)
Global Ministries Mission Co-worker in Mexico
Elena Huegel serves with the Intercultural Research and Studies Institute (INESIN) in Mexico. Her appointment is made possible by your gifts to Disciples Mission Fund, Our Church’s Wider Mission, and your special gifts.