Pray with Korea, February 27, 2022

Pray with Korea, February 27, 2022

Lectionary Selection:  Luke 9:28-36

Prayers for Korea

Heavenly Father,

In a world where discrimination is intermixed into many aspects of our daily lives, it is easy to lose sight of the just world you envisioned  We ask that you open our minds and hearts to all who reside in our communities so that we are able to live in harmony and celebrate diversity.

God of life, as COVID-19 continues to remain in our lives, we are reminded of the importance of hope and looking to the future. For church leaders and staff who may be struggling to share your message, as well as small business owners who are suffering economically during the pandemic, we come to you seeking guidance, reassurance of your never-ending love, and a reminder of your presence in our lives.

We share our concern with you, O Lord, that many young adults have turned away from the church over the past few years due to misconceptions and uncertainty of the Christian faith. May those who are lost hear your calling and find shelter once again within your presence.

God of all things, we are thankful for all you have provided for us during these uncertain times. We appreciate the space you have created for us to learn and grow in our faiths. Please continue to help us block out distractions so we may hear you more clearly.

In Jesus’ name, we pray, Amen

Mission Stewardship Moment from Korea

In July of 2019, Yangmuri opened a branch with the education institution of Reading Star. The program currently runs Tuesday to Friday with the students attending classes before and after school, for a total of 5 hours each day. The students within the program have proven to be quick learners who are becoming more dedicated to their studies; a repeated theme over the last few years since the program opened.

When learning a new language, especially one as complex and confusing as English, an abundance of challenges arise; homonyms, homophones, irregular verbs, and so on. As a native English speaker, it was not until I began teaching within ESL programs that I realized just how complicated it truly was. I have also noticed that one of the biggest key factors in overcoming these obstacles is having confidence, both in your own capabilities and in God’s guidance.

For the first four months of working in the program, I oversaw the students’ Christmas drama rehearsals. After the roles were decided, the students were given a few weeks to memorize their lines and work on pronunciation. I am still in awe when I think of how quickly some of the students completed this task. If anyone can recall how much the angel Gabriel says to Mary, you may have an idea as to why. Throughout the weeks of rehearsals, the students began to gain confidence to both be on the stage in front of their peers and speak a language they were still in the beginning stages of understanding.

By the time Christmas day arrived, the students were nervous and full of excitement to share all of their hard work with family members sitting in the congregation. Having confidence in themselves helped the students to see that they could try again each rehearsal to improve on their skills as opposed to giving up entirely. Having confidence in God’s guidance allowed all of the students to have faith that They were watching over us and things would be okay in the end.

I look forward to continuing to watch the students acquire confidence in themselves, in their faith, and in the world around them.

Prayer and Mission Moment by Abigail Reed

Mission Partners in Korea

More about Korea

Global Ministries Mission Co-worker in Korea
Abigail Reed serves with the Presbyterian Church in the Republic of Korea (PROK). Her appointment is made possible by your gifts to Disciples Mission Fund, Our Church’s Wider Mission, Week of Compassion, and special gifts.
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