Pray with Lebanon, April 23, 2023

Pray with Lebanon, April 23, 2023

Pray with Lebanon, April 23, 2023

Lectionary Selection:  Luke 24:13-35

Prayers for Lebanon

Christ Jesus, we lift up those who are filled with disappointment, apprehension, and fear, disoriented and uncertain about what the future may hold – or even if there is a future. We hold the people of Lebanon close to our hearts in prayer – shaken by broken and unkept promises; impoverished spiritually and materially by economic breakdown and political dysfunction; covered by waves of tragedy, and paralyzed by the designs of the powerful, near and far.

Like those two disciples leaving Jerusalem with dazed and wounded hearts, only able to speak of the pain they were enduring, you walk with the people; you listen to their hearts; you allow them to question you, even to accuse you of unawareness or hard-heartedness regarding their daily struggles. When they are finally attentive to you, you open their spirits to your Spirit, your presence, and your plan, reminding them that pain is part of the believer’s journey, part of the call that you give your people.

As your children walk similar paths in every land, help them to see you are near – listening and teaching. Help all of us to see you willingly offering yourself in the broken bread and spilled blood. Help us to be infilled with strength and hope, making us new creatures in Christ. Help us to joyfully go and share this good news. In your precious name, we pray. Amen.

Mission Moment from Lebanon

As Lebanon enters its sixth month with a caretaker government and no president, it is clear that the country’s leadership has little will or interest in lifting the population out of its misery, with the currency all but collapsed, the dollarization of the economy nearly complete, and the entrenchment of the Lebanese (who earn in local currency) squarely in poverty. All this while those whose aim is to amalgamate more control and privileges continue to enjoy their lives.

This presents a great challenge to those institutions, like the church, whose goals are to elevate the entire Lebanese population through better education, higher health standards, opportunities for creative output, greater engagement in civil society, better governance, and economic development, as well as environmentally friendly and sustainable public services, reliable internet, remediating the country’s damaged natural resources and so forth.

This is the setting in which the Union of the Armenian Evangelical Churches in the Near East, including its schools, Haigazian University, its youth organizations, social work, and elder care establishments, minister in Christ’s name. As a part of the fabric of Lebanese society as well as of the Armenian people worldwide, this means dealing with a painful and tragic past, remembered each year on April 24 (Armenian Genocide Commemoration Day), while also maintaining and strengthening its institutions to continue being a positive force and a source of light in the local Armenian community and in society at large. Much strength is gained in this mission from its partnership with the United Church of Christ and the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), as well as from the Armenian Missionary Association of America.

The unassuming yet victorious presence of Christ Jesus enables the church to gain courage and strength, to share hope and vision where it is most needed!

Prayer and Mission Moment by Nishan Bakalian

Mission Partners in Lebanon

More about Lebanon

Global Ministries Mission Co-workers in Lebanon

Nishan and Maria Bakalian serve with the Union of the Armenian Evangelical Churches in the Near East, headquartered in Lebanon. Their appointments are made possible by gifts to the Disciples Mission Fund, Our Church’s Wider Mission, and your special gifts. Make a gift that supports the work of Nishan and Maria Bakalian

Make a gift to support the work of the Union of Armenian Evangelical Churches in the Near East