Pray with Dominican Republic Sunday, April 5, 2020

Pray with Dominican Republic Sunday, April 5, 2020

Dominican_Republic_Kaitlin_Thompson_IMG_2604.jpgLectionary Selection:  Matthew 26:14-27

Prayers for the Dominican Republic:

Dear Heavenly Creator,

As we approach the joyous occasion of celebrating your son and our living savior’s resurrection let us not forget the evening in the upper room when Jesus gathered to break bread with his disciples. Be with us in every breaking of bread as you were with Jesus and the 12 disciples all those years ago. God, as we approach a time of celebration we also cry out to you in pain at injustice. Just as Jesus was betrayed, so we too have been betrayed by those we trusted. Help us to be more like you, and learn to love with a forgiving heart. Be with those who have been exploited, hurt, and forgotten. Be with the children working when their peers are in school learning. Be with the migrant children struggling to adapt to a new land and a new tongue. Be with the young mothers and wives, wrap them in your loving embrace. Be with the girls growing up in a world that belittles them for not being born a son. Be with the boys who feel pain in their hearts and have been taught not to cry out. Be with the students marching in our streets and plazas to demand fair elections, be present with them through your holy spirit of peace and justice. Remind us that whenever two or more are gathered in a place, so you are there too. Let us break bread together in a spirit of unity, not of distrust and betrayal. Help us to love those who have betrayed us and to seek forgiveness in recognition of our own wrongs. Be with us in celebration. Be with us in pain. Lord, we seek nothing but to live our lives in the light of your covenant and rejoice in your merciful forgiveness.

In your holy child’s name.


Mission Stewardship Moment from the Dominican Republic:

Exciting things are happening at Caminante as we rapidly approach the end of the school year for our students. Our programs are in full swing as we work with our “Girls First” program to build self-esteem, self-advocacy, and healthy relationship skills in an after school program with girls from four local neighborhoods. We also continue our work with new and ongoing families who come to Caminante for psychological support. Many of these families have been referred by schools and local court systems for additional support. At Caminante they can receive weekly attention from a psychologist for not only their child but for the whole family. We continue our weekly lunch programs for young boys who work during the school day. They can gather daily at our office and share a meal while also receiving mentoring and educational services.

Our homework rooms sponsored by Global Ministries are always a source of joy. Here, children spanning from 5 years to 17 years can gather in an alternative classroom setting. Some of the children are attending a school and for some, this is their main source of education. Many of the Haitian students here are learning Spanish as a second language and spend their mornings in language study while other Creole-speaking students help with translation as needed. We have also begun implementing meditation and mindfulness curriculum with the children to teach health as an interaction of physical, mental, and emotional wellness. Morning gatherings here also usually include a game (soccer and baseball are popular options). Here many children also find their main source of peer interaction outside of their time spent with siblings and cousins.

This upcoming week across Latin America there will be many celebrations of Semana Santa or Holy Week. Many schools and places of employment will be closed as celebrations take place. Here in the Dominican Republic, an incredibly Christian country, there will be many festivals, church services, and other gatherings across the country. No celebration in the DR is complete without music, dancing, and food so this week is sure to be full of joy for the little island nation in the Caribbean. Caminante thanks you for walking with them in solidarity and continuing to pray for our ministry and service to children and families in Boca Chica.

Prayer and Mission Moment by Kaitlin Thompson

Mission Partners in the Dominican Republic:

More information on the Dominican Republic

Global Ministries Mission Co-worker in the Dominican Republic:
Kaitlin Thompson serves with Proyecto Caminante in the Dominican Republic. Her appointment is made possible by your gifts to Disciples Mission Fund, Our Church’s Wider Mission, WOC, and your special gifts.