Pray with Haiti Sunday, March 22, 2020

Pray with Haiti Sunday, March 22, 2020

Lectionary Selection:  John 9:1-41

Prayers for Haiti:  


Jesus, our Great Physician, our Healer. You have shown us over, and over, and over again, how You are not only capable to heal our ailments but you are willing to do so. Lord, You are so good to meet us right where we are; right in our mess, in the middle of our desperation, in the midst of our blindness. 

You not only pour out Your compassion on us, which is more than any of us deserve; You invite us into love and graciously invite us to participate in God’s story. 

Lord, we thank you for Your mercy to not leave us on the side of the road, begging for meager scraps. You offer innumerable blessings, so much more than we imagine! You offer Your healing. We would be happy with just physical healing. How like You, to open our eyes beyond our selves, You open them to so much more. You open our eyes to Your majesty and glory. When we see You – we are compelled to worship You. We pray for the people of Haiti; all who need to see You and Your miracle in their lives. You have proven to us that not only can You – You are willing to do so. Lord Jesus, we give you all the praise and glory. Amen.


Mission Stewardship Moment from Haiti:

Putting on your school uniform in the morning. Walking to school with your friends. Counting on the teachers showing up to teach. Small things for some. For the students at CONASPEH, in Port-au-Prince, and other cities around Haiti, the chance to safely return to school, and return to normalcy is a change from what they have known for months. It is a change that heals. 

Terminal_group.jpgSome of life’s greatest miracles start off as complete disasters. It seems that the world’s first black republic was born a disaster. Time and time again, the masses have been at the mercy of a few. This current administration isn’t any different. Whether it is the opposition grinding the capital’s commerce to a stop or gangs threatening children if they go to school – all to demand they get the respect and greedily take from those who have nothing.

They say, there is a greater purpose in the temporary pain. God transforms the temporary pain into something good. For His glory. For the blessing of others. Even for our own joy.

We must believe this to be true. He is in control. When we trust that our heavenly Father is in control and we can look for the purpose in the pain. We can see that purpose if our eyes have been opened.

Jesus wants to do for us spiritually what he did for the blind man physically. May we be called and inspired to be the light of the world. May God open our eyes to see His purpose and glory in all that surrounds us. Amen.

Prayer and Mission Moment by Michelle McKay

Mission Partners in Haiti:

More information on Haiti

Global Ministries Mission Co-worker in Haiti:
Michelle McKay serves with the National Spiritual Council of Churches of Haiti (CONASPEH). Her appointment is made possible by your gifts to Disciples Mission Fund, Our Church’s Wider Mission, and your special gifts