Ricardo Mayol

Ricardo Mayol serves with the Ecumenical Christian Council of Guatemala (CECG).

The Rev. Ricardo Mayol-Bracero is a mission co-worker jointly appointed by International Ministries of the American Baptist Churches USA and the Global Ministries of the United Church of Christ and Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). He was ordained in Puerto Rico in 1991. His positions as pastor, teacher and planner and his studies in theology, planning and development, and anthropology prepared him to serve in theological and pastoral education in Costa Rica, Mexico, and El Salvador. His ministerial dedication led him to serve with the Latinx community in the United States, Afro-descendants of Costa Ricans, indigenous people in Mexico, and the youth of El Salvador. Currently, Ricardo is the founder and coordinator of the Continental Christian Network for Peace (RECONPAZ), based in the Christian Ecumenical Council of Guatemala. He accompanies the members of this network in the theological-pastoral formation and the promotion of justice and peace throughout the continent.

How would you describe our partner’s mission in Guatemala?

El Concejo Ecuménico Cristiano de Guatemala es un espacio de encuentro, diálogo y articulación de acciones comunes entre las principales iglesias de Guatemala, orientado a la promoción del bien común, los valores cristianos y la incidencia.

The Christian Ecumenical Council of Guatemala is a space for meeting, dialogue, and articulation of common actions among the main churches of Guatemala to promote the common good, Christian values, and advocacy.

It is integrated by:

  • Comisión de Ecumenismo de la Conferencia Episcopal Católica de Guatemala (The Ecumenical Commission of the Catholic Episcopal Conference of Guatemala)
  • Conferencia de Religiosas y Religiosos de Guatemala (CONFREGUA) (The Conference of Clergy and Nuns of Guatemala
  • Iglesia Episcopal de Guatemala (The Episcopal Church of Guatemala)
  • Alianza de Presbiterios Reformados de Guatemala (The Alliance of Reformed Presbyteries of Guatemala)
  • Iglesia Luterana de Guatemala (ILUGUA) (The Lutheran Church of Guatemala)
  • Iglesia Evangélica San Juan Apóstol (The Evangelical Church of San Juan Apóstol)



How do you fit into their mission?

Tengo pasión por el evangelio encarnado que busca bajar de la cruz a los pueblos crucificados, y encontré un espacio que siente igual que yo, y que junta y activa a los que sienten igual, anunciando con prácticas alternativas el mundo con el que sueña Dios y denunciando con voz audible en la esfera pública la corrupción y la impunidad.

I have a passion for the incarnated gospel that seeks to lower from the cross the crucified peoples. I found a space that feels the same as me and brings together and acts with those who feel the same, announcing with alternative practices the world with which God dreams and denouncing corruption and impunity with a voice heard in the public sphere.

What led you to engage in this calling?

Llegué a comprometerme con el evangelio encarnado al vivir en carne propia el racismo en los Estados Unidos por hablar el inglés con acento latino y proceder de una colonia, Puerto Rico. Me enfureció darme cuenta de que mis tíos migrantes y mi pueblo hubiesen sido crucificados; y me dije a mí mismo en presencia de Dios, de hoy en adelante comprometo mi vida a bajar a los pueblos crucificados de sus cruces.

I came to commit myself to the incarnated gospel by experiencing racism in the United States for speaking English with a Latin accent and proceeding from a colony, Puerto Rico. It angered me to realize that my uncles and my people had been crucified, and in the presence of God, I said to myself, from now on, I commit my life to bringing down the crucified peoples of their crosses.

Is there a passage of scripture that carries special meaning in your daily work?

Lucas 4:18-19

Anunciar el jubileo, la alianza del pacto en Sinaí, al pueblo que no debía reproducir la esclavitud, porque esclavo había sido. Alianza que la monarquía quebró y que los profetas revivieron en la expectativa de la llegada del Cristo Mesías que establecería un dominio humano que humanizaría las relaciones en la sociedad. Quien proclamó ese mensaje en el umbral de su servicio terrenal es quien inspira mi camino.

Luke 4: 18-19

Announce the jubilee, the Covenant alliance at Sinai, to the people who should not reproduce slavery, because they had been slaves. Alliance that the monarchy broke and that the prophets revived in the expectation of the arrival of the Christ Messiah who would establish a human domain that would humanize the relations in society. The one who proclaimed that message on the threshold of his earthly service is the one who inspires my path.

What are some challenges facing the people of Guatemala, our partner, or yourself?

Los desafíos que enfrentan nuestros compañeros y yo en el ministerio están especificados según tres expresiones violentas:

La violencia con efectos materiales

  • Armamentismo, militarismo y nuevas guerras (terrorismo y paramilitarismo)
  • Trata humana y tráfico de armas, órganos y drogas
  • Crimen organizado y pandillerismo
  • Conflictos armados, acuerdos de paz y cuentas pendientes
  • Planes bélicos de seguridad
  • Militarización de las fuerzas gubernamentales de seguridad
  • Juventudes y niñez enganchadas en la violencia y violentadas
  • Feminicidios y violencias contra las mujeres
  • Fronteras sometidas a la lógica de seguridad
  • Aasesinatos, robos, desapariciones forzadas, detenciones y ejecuciones arbitrarias, uso de la tortura
  • Agresiones y hasta asesinatos de defensores de derechos humanos y periodistas

La violencia incrustada en las estructuras políticas y sociales que no permiten la satisfacción de las necesidades humanas (supervivencia, bienestar, identidad o libertad)

  • Acaparamiento de los recursos estratégicos, megaproyectos, monocultivos del capitalismo
  • Distribución injusta de la riqueza
  • Desempleo, endeudamiento público, muertes por desnutrición y por enfermedades curables
  • Cambio climático y destrucción de la naturaleza
  • Coerción a la libre determinación de pueblos originarios y afrodescendientes
  • Estado colonial moderno
  • Patriarcado
  • Colonialismo e imperialismo
  • Impunidad y sistemas de justicia deficientes
  • Inequidad que genera el sistema capitalista en su modalidad neoliberal

La violencia simbólica que legitima la violencia directa y estructural

  • Colonialismo epistémico
  • Mass media y todas las instituciones que influyen en formar la opinión
  • Imaginarios patriarcales, racistas y homofóbicos
  • criminalización de los migrantes, lideresas y líderes, refugiados y desplazados; desapariciones, explotación sexual
  • Discriminación y racismo
  • Consumismo e individualismo  
  • Fundamentalismos religiosos y el paternalismo eclesial

The challenges facing our colleagues and I in the ministry are specified according to three violent expressions:

Violence with physical effects

  • Stocking up on weaponry, militarism, and new wars (terrorism and paramilitarism)
  • Human trafficking and trafficking of weapons, organs, and drugs
  • Organized crime and gangs
  • Armed conflicts, peace agreements, and pending accounts
  • Security war plan
  • Militarization of governmental security forces
  • Youth and children engaged in violence
  • Femicide and violence against women
  • Borders subject to security logic
  • Assassinations, robberies, forced disappearances, arbitrary arrests and executions, use of torture
  • Assaults and even killings of human rights defenders and journalists

Violence embedded in political and social structures that obstruct  the satisfaction of human needs (survival, welfare, identity or freedom

  • Hoarding of strategic resources, megaprojects, monocultures of capitalism
  • Unequal wealth distribution
  • Unemployment, public indebtedness, deaths due to malnutrition and curable diseases
  • Climate change and the destruction of nature
  • Coercion of the self-determination of indigenous peoples and people of African descent
  • Modern colonial state
  • Patriarchy
  • Colonialism and imperialism
  • Impunity and deficient justice systems
  • Inequity generated by a capitalist system in its neoliberal form

Symbolic violence that legitimizes physical and structural violence.

  • Epistemic colonialism
  • Mass media and all the institutions that influence opinions
  • Patriarchal, racist, and homophobic imaginaries
  • Criminalization of migrants, leaders and leaders, refugees and displaced persons; disappearances, sexual exploitation
  • Discrimination and racism
  • Consumerism and individualism
  • Religious fundamentals and ecclesial paternalism

What lesson have you learned from our partner that you feel should be shared with churches in the U.S.?

Algunas lecciones que he aprendido de mis compas son:

  • Que hay que organizarse y movilizar a las fuerzas para que los hijos y las hijas de Dios que sufren injusticias se transformen en actores.
  • Que hay que acompañar a los que luchan con formación para que promuevan efectivamente la paz, propiciando análisis del sistema mundo económico, del patriarcado y del racismo, favoreciendo el cruce de fronteras étnicas, raciales, intergeneracionales, interreligiosas y de género.
  • Que hay que luchar con memoria para que la reconciliación sea curación y no impunidad.
  • Que la humanidad hay que afirmarla contra toda bestialidad para que haya paz.
  • Que con los que sufren y los que luchan hoy, hay que serles compañeros.
  • Que la voz profética hay que levantarla para que se oiga.

Some lessons that I have learned from my compañeros/as are:

  • That it is necessary to organize and mobilize our strengths so that the sons and daughters of God who suffer injustices become actors.
  • That we must accompany those who struggle with preparedness to promote peace effectively, promoting analyses of the economic world system, patriarchy and racism, and favoring the crossing of ethnic, racial, intergenerational, interreligious and gender borders.
  • That we must fight with memory so that reconciliation is healing and not impunity.
  • That humanity must be affirmed against all bestiality for living in peace.
  • That with those who suffer and those who struggle today we need to be their partners.
  • That the prophetic voice must be raised to be heard.

Which books have influenced your understanding of your country, work, or theology?

Which films that have influenced your understanding of your country, work, or theology? 

Ricardo’s appointment is made possible by your gifts to Disciples Mission Fund, Our Church’s Wider Mission, and your special gifts. Make a gift that supports the work of Ricardo Mayol

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