Pray with Puerto Rico, March 14, 2021

Pray with Puerto Rico, March 14, 2021

Lectionary Selection:  Psalm 107:1-3,17-22

Prayers for Puerto Rico
God, Creator of all we see and all we do not see, we proclaim that you are good. We affirm that serving you is good. Before, during, and after the pandemic, we currently experience due to COVID-19, your steadfast love. You have protected us, covering our lives under the cloak of your mercy, blessing, and care. Your presence amid our lives, as we serve your kingdom around the world together with mission partners and co-workers, is evident. You continue delivering us from our distress.

Continue your protection over Puerto Rico and its residents where you have blessed me with serving. Provide peace to those who continue to suffer from the earthquakes’ aftermath in the southwest of the island. Protect those still living in temporary tent camps that have become their permanent dwellings. May your everlasting mercy be the guiding star to emulate you as we share your blessings, compassion, and redemption with others. May our mouths proclaim your glory. Even more, may our actions become the living testimony of our service to you as we continue to announce that You Are Good. Amen.

Mission Moment from Puerto Rico
Serving the kingdom of God on earth demands thinking and acting outside our comfort zones. As I serve with our mission partner, Seminario Evangélico de Puerto Rico, our mission takes us outside the classroom and the study of theology. We live what we study and share the wisdom and blessings with those we are called to serve. We may think of the pandemic as a calamity that has changed us forever. Even so, we still celebrate life and enjoy it with those among us because of our Lord’s blessings.

Our work continues making a difference in the lives of those who suffer the aftermath of natural disasters. Early in 2020, the traditional Three Wise Men celebration took place in Ensenada, Puerto Rico. The local church hosted the distribution of gifts and school materials to local children. Many of them still live in tent camps because of the earthquakes that continue shaking the area. These gifts were shared as a blessing to the community. Together, we are making a difference.

Prayer and Mission Moment by Raul Santiago-Rivera

Mission Partners in Puerto Rico

More about Puerto Rico

Global Ministries Mission Co-worker in Puerto Rico
Raul Santiago Rivera works with the Evangelical Seminary of Puerto Rico. His appointment is made possible by your gifts to Disciples Mission Fund, Our Church’s Wider Mission, and your special gifts.

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