Pray with India, February 18, 2024
Lectionary Selection: Psalm 25:1-10
Prayers for India

Our Loving Heavenly Father,
We thank you, praise you, and adore you for all the mercies you have granted us all these days of our lives.
As the Psalmist says, trusting in this promise, you are the God of our salvation. Once again, we thank you for the new life you have given us through your son Jesus Christ. We rely on the promise of this scripture to teach us to walk in your path in our day-to-day lives.
Lord, we come to you and seek your guidance in our lives. Lord, we pray for our country, India which has the largest population in the world, with more than 1.4 billion people. As a majority of the people in India are economically struggling and living below the poverty line, we remember them and pray for your grace to sustain them and feed them so that they can meet their daily needs of food, clothing, and shelter.

We also remember and pray for the elderly people who are most often uncared for by their families and society. Grant them your strength in their old age so that they will have peaceful and happy lives. Dear Lord, as the family of Inba Illam, we come to your feet and commit ourselves to the betterment of the lives of the residents of Inba Illam.
Our Loving Father, your steadfast love shall fill us and guide us to serve the elderly people in Inba Illam with dedication, love, care, and concern.
In Jesus name we pray. Amen.
Mission Moment from India

The lives of the people of Inba Illam, the Happy Home, have many stories to share. The transition period of the residents is filled with joy and happiness, partly because of the prayers and the involvement of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and United Church of Christ through Global Ministries.
We remember the life of a widow named Mrs. Shanmuga Vadivu, who found the love of Lord Jesus Christ by experiencing the love and care of the Inba Illam family through the dedicated service provided at all hours every day.
Mr. Muthaiya, another resident of Inba Illam, was abandoned by his family and found his unique place in Inba Illam. Even though he has no family support, he enjoys the life rhythm of Inba Illam and, along with other residents, has found fulfillment. Inba Illam meets the needs of the residents, such as food, shelter, clothing, healthcare, staying active, and recreation.

Inba Illam is a place that changes the lives of people who once had heartbreaking stories. Mariyaal is one among them. Now, she shares her story with real joy. She had two children, a son and a daughter, and she endured difficult times raising them. In her old age, the children would not care for her. Finally, she found peace at Inba Illam, giving her what she lacked for much of her life and with her family.
The Inba Illam family feels that “this is the home away from home,” in part because of the vision and mission of Global Ministries toward the community of elderly people neglected and uncared for by family and society. Your involvement and support of this great work help the residents of Inba Illam to lead a life of peace, happiness, harmony, and tranquility.
Prayer and Mission Moment written by Reverend Dr. P.R. Margret Kalaiselvi, the President of Imba Illam, and the Principal of the Tamilnadu Theological Seminary, Madurai, Tamil Nadu.
Partners in India
- Center for Social Equity and Inclusion (CSEI)
- Student Christian Movement of India
- Christian Medical College, Ludhiana
- Christian Medical College, Vellore
- Christian Medical Association of India (CMAI)
- Pravaham, Vellore
- Tamilnadu Theological Seminary
- Lady Doak College
- Family Village Farm and King’s Matriculation
- Deep Griha Society, Pune
- Darjeeling Tibetan Refugee Center and Tibetan Children’s Village
- Church’s Auxiliary for Social Action (CASA)
- Church of South India (CSI)
- Church of North India (CNI)
- United Theological College, Bangalore
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