Pray with India, September 10, 2023

Lectionary Selection: Exodus 12:1-14
Prayers for India
Our Sovereign God, creator of heaven and earth and who by your word sustains the universe, we lift the great nation of India and its people before you. We thank you for keeping India thriving and flourishing throughout its 76 years of independence and as a republic. We thank you for the excellent tolerance and amity among the people of India despite the vast diversity in culture, caste, and language. We thank you for the missionaries who carried the good news of Christ to India. We thank you for all the foreign nations that work with India to increase the well-being, knowledge, and understanding of all peoples of this vast country.
We pray for the protection and security of all peoples of India so that they may experience your peace. May your peace that surpasses all understanding guard the hearts and minds of your children through Christ Jesus our Lord. We pray the church and the leaders hold fast to Christ and their faith in you, O God. We pray that you will grant them courage and strength as they are harassed and many of their places of worship are being vandalized. We pray for the people who are beaten, distressed, imprisoned, falsely accused, and hated simply for professing their belief in you.

Lord, we pray for the leaders in the Central and the State governments. We ask you to grant them wisdom and guidance so that they will lead the nation toward peace and justice. We ask you to bless India with all natural resources in their season and thereby alleviate poverty in the nation. We pray for you to make India a blessing to the world.
We thank you for the founder of Family Village Farm, Dr. Miss Pauline E. King, and our close association with the United Church of Christ and the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) through Global Ministries. We thank you for the many who accompany us in our ministry and all those well-wishers that Family Village Farm has through the Global Ministries.
We ask all these in the name of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. Amen!
Mission Moment from India

Family Village Farm (FVF) is a charitable society registered as Mudhiyor (Elderly) Balar (Children) Kudumba (Family) Grama (Village) Pannai (Farm). Founded in 1969 by Dr. Pauline E. King, a nurse from Pennsylvania, FVF’s mission is transforming the lives of impoverished children, women, and the aged. Since 1969, the FVF has been associated with the United Church of Christ (UCC) and the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) through the Global Ministries. Through the Child and Elder Sponsorship Program through the Southern Asia area office of Global Ministries, FVF has received steady support in nurturing impoverished children and the elderly in a friendly and favorable environment. Sponsoring children and elders through Global Ministries helps us provide housing, food, education, health care, and emotional well-being through therapy and counseling.

The children at FVF are educated in English from kindergarten to higher secondary school at King’s Matriculation School, managed by the FVF. After completing their school education, the children are educated at the university level in professional or vocational training courses. After receiving their college education, hundreds of children earn a handsome salary in secure professions and jobs.
The partnership with Global Ministries assists children’s emotional well-being by organizing volunteers and sponsor visits to FVF. Hundreds of children have received their normal childhood back by living at the FVF. They are nurtured with love in a family setting with healthy food, quality education, and spiritual and moral values, transforming them into whole individuals as God intended.

Likewise, elderly females who are called grandmothers at the FVF live a peaceful life in an elder-friendly setup. Their basic needs are met individually with appropriate medical assistance. This is made possible by partnership with Global Ministries’ Elder Sponsorship Program.
Better and brighter futures for children and elders testify to the Family Village Farm’s partnership with Global Ministries.
Mission Moment written by Mr. Y. Kirubahara Daniel, Director, and Ms. Anita Grace Paul, Sponsorship Coordinator, of the Family Village Farm.
Partners in India
- Center for Social Equity and Inclusion (CSEI)
- Student Christian Movement of India
- Christian Medical College, Ludhiana
- Christian Medical College, Vellore
- Christian Medical Association of India (CMAI)
- Pravaham, Vellore
- Tamilnadu Theological Seminary
- Lady Doak College
- Family Village Farm and King’s Matriculation
- Deep Griha Society, Pune
- Darjeeling Tibetan Refugee Center and Tibetan Children’s Village
- Church’s Auxiliary for Social Action (CASA)
- Church of South India (CSI)
- Church of North India (CNI)
- United Theological College, Bangalore